Sunday, May 30, 2010


Let Me Summarize My Past Ten Weeks...

1. I Learned the Hard way that you can do everything right and something can still go wrong...

2. I'm so confused... At what point in this process did the J.A.W.N. think it was acceptable to climb through my front window and let the whole world know how to gain access into my house???...

3. ...Okay so you came through the front window- But why did the other 6 of you follow??? No one thought to unlock the door after the first person?

4. Please don't feed the Animals... Including the ones you invited in my house!!!!!

5. If your goal is to make me laugh, and I'm trying to help you out, why would you make the joke about me???

6. If your gonna get a ride from a friend/ GDI- maybe its not the best idea to have them drop you off in front of the house??? WHY was that okay?

7. Why did my boss put $50 extra dollars in my check with a note that said "Please get your hair done"??? Lol

8. Why do my neighbors know your names, and your greets???

9. You know times are bad when you have to sleep with your phone in your hand with your alarm set on vibrate and your hand in a sock for maximum support. Lol! True Story!

10. You were given very simple instructions... To cut down all the weeds in my front flower bed... So why on earth would you pick all of my flowers and PROUDLY tell me that you left all the weeds???

11. 8 long - 7 strong!!! It ain't for everybody!!!

"DAMN- Who did that to you"? ~ M.E.
"You Did"? ~ The J.A.W.N.
"Oh *paused to think* Why did you make me do that???"! LOL ~ M.E.

13. I miss it already!!!!

"The Real Work Starts Now"


Zina said...

hahahah this is the best BLOG EVER!!!!! IM READING EVERDAY !!!!

Brittanie said...

hhhahahahahahah! that was hilarious!