Sunday, May 30, 2010



1. So I think I ran over someone's Grandma rushing home for the 2 hour season premier of Heroes- MY BAD... I couldn't be Tardy for that Party!

2. So yesterday I found a half eaten Burger King sandwich under my passenger side seat. God only knows how longs its been there- If its yours I'm holding it for you.

3. Dear Ms. Crackhead- Don't EVER in your life jump into the back seat of my car and tell me to
take you to the corner of Broad and Poplar.

4. Whoeva took my side mirror off on Cecil B. Moore Ave- May God have mercy on your Soul.

5. Please don't write WASH ME on my car window... My Car doesn't talk like that- lol

6. When My BFF saw me shifting gears, she told me how impressed she was that I knew how to drive a Stick- Poor child tought me moving my lever from (P) parked to (D) drive was a skill!!!
Lol oh Jenny B.

7. So I recently got into a road rage situation where I accidentally cut some SUV off on the highway- But I'm like 4ft nothing, with no side view mirror- So the jerk proceeded to jump back in front of me and go 2miles per hour next to a tracker trailer going even slower. So is it bad that when I finally got around him I repeated his actions??? Lol what's worst is my friend/ prophtye Kyndalle was next to me screaming Patty the whole way!!! (You just have to know Kyndalle) Lol

8. 3 weeks ago I caught the kids on my block using my car as base in a game of "IT" I chased one of the kids halfway down the block for throwing his body against my car- 2 days later my car
was keyed. Damn kids lol :(

9. Lasted I check, I pay my own car note... Please don't disrespect Me or My country music by changing the channel...

10. In the state of MD you get a front and back license plate but In PA you only get a back plate. Well several yrs ago I decided to lend my front plate to a friend so he could get his car from A to B without being pulled over. 8 months later someone found my plate in the backseat of a abandon car that had been shot up and striped! Lol Damn you Ricardo!!!! That wasn't to bright of me either I guess ;)

11. My first car ever caught on Fire while I am on my way to somewhere I shouldn't have been ;)... And 8 years later the same thing happened again!!! Guess it wasn't meant to be- AGF :)

12. Now you know I am the picture Queen did you really think you could fall asleep in my car and I not take a picture of you??? Lol

13. Please dont ask me to use my car, if you just wrecked yours...

"You can only go as fast as the person infront of you allows" ~Me (more about life then cars)

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