Sunday, May 30, 2010



1. The one day a year I can be M.Y.S.E.L.F.

2. So around 1am Sunday morning, this mother comes knocking on my door with her 2 daughters tricker Treating, I told her I ran out of candy hours ago and she told me to turn my F-in porch light off! Hahhahhahahaha.... REALLY THO???

3. So why did my Boss come in on Saturday morning dressed like Robert Downey Jr, from Tropic Thunder- WHY WAS THAT ACCEPTABLE?!?

4. Since when does no custom get you Candy??? Not on my Block!!!!

5. Why did this lil boy come knocking on my door on Friday Night asking for Candy... I told him to come back on Saturday and he asked me could he spend the night (FRESH @ss)!!!

6. STRANGE... So why was my next door neighbor BBQ for Halloween and decide to hand out Hotdougs and Hamburger instead of candy!

7. Please People it is totally unacceptable and pure laziness to throw candy out of your third story window to the little kids!!!

8. Candy corn and Peeps make my skin crawl...

9. So my boss decided to glue his fake mustache on with the same glue we use to cement permanent crowns... Why did one of my patients rip it off in curiosity and took his skin off in the process!!!! Its tough being a black

10. I went to Loews the hardware store the day after Halloween and witnessed some man stealing pumpkins, I mentioned it to the woman at the register and she told me that the store has been monitoring and the workers have been crackin up at him sneaking the pumpkins all day considering that they were FREE!!!! LOL

11. If I hear Thriller One more time on the radio!!!!!!

12. Does the President's kids go tricker treating???

13. Okay... so I never even got to pass out the candy- because I ate it all myself... :)

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