Sunday, May 30, 2010


1. "Can't you look at me and tell that I am free???" ~ Muhammad Ali

2. My hair dresser at the Dominican Salon had a severe case of camel-toe... Her co-workers don't respect her... And apparently neither do I- lol

3. A patient called the office yesterday and asked me if the Doctor was sleeping with his wife because she spends more time at the office then home- Damn should I have not told him that She hasn't been in-in over a year?

4. I go to get some Chinese food and as I'm walking into the carry-out I get a glimpse of the Cook washing his feet on the side of the building with a hose- Its very unacceptable that I still went in and got my shrimp-rolls.

5. "My cousin from jail requested me as a friend on Facebook, Its going Down Yall" ~Peez.... "What was his network???" ~ Me lol

6. When my lil brother was 5, he witness my doug humping his cat. 3 weeks later his cat had kittens- Now somehow he believed that my doug fathered his cat's kittens... My brother hasn't been right ever since and neither has the cat! Lol

7. Did I really just sign a New 6 month contract with Comcast to get the HBO promotion just to watch TRUE BLOOD- I'm a Fiend!!!! Thx Peez

8. Some things you can't take back... And something are unforgivable ;(

9. Have u ever wondered how they get the paint into the spray paint cans? I have... Lol

10. "May he who is without sin cast the first stone"

11. 6 months ago, a patient came in with a stain on his sweater and I washed it for him at the office, Today he comes in with a large bag of laundry, and had the nerve to have specific instructions on how he wanted me to wash his unmentionables. My Job is a joke- And Im not laughing!

12. Why are relationship such big games... Why can't it go like this- I like you ... and You like me- so let's make something out of it???

13. I never apologize for being me...

"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."

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