Sunday, May 30, 2010


Let Me Summarize My Past Ten Weeks...

1. I Learned the Hard way that you can do everything right and something can still go wrong...

2. I'm so confused... At what point in this process did the J.A.W.N. think it was acceptable to climb through my front window and let the whole world know how to gain access into my house???...

3. ...Okay so you came through the front window- But why did the other 6 of you follow??? No one thought to unlock the door after the first person?

4. Please don't feed the Animals... Including the ones you invited in my house!!!!!

5. If your goal is to make me laugh, and I'm trying to help you out, why would you make the joke about me???

6. If your gonna get a ride from a friend/ GDI- maybe its not the best idea to have them drop you off in front of the house??? WHY was that okay?

7. Why did my boss put $50 extra dollars in my check with a note that said "Please get your hair done"??? Lol

8. Why do my neighbors know your names, and your greets???

9. You know times are bad when you have to sleep with your phone in your hand with your alarm set on vibrate and your hand in a sock for maximum support. Lol! True Story!

10. You were given very simple instructions... To cut down all the weeds in my front flower bed... So why on earth would you pick all of my flowers and PROUDLY tell me that you left all the weeds???

11. 8 long - 7 strong!!! It ain't for everybody!!!

"DAMN- Who did that to you"? ~ M.E.
"You Did"? ~ The J.A.W.N.
"Oh *paused to think* Why did you make me do that???"! LOL ~ M.E.

13. I miss it already!!!!

"The Real Work Starts Now"


1. So the PPA (Philadelphia Parking Authority) "Relocated" my car last Wednesday for parking in a snow emergency route... But when I called them on Thursday they had the nerve to tell me that they don't keep track of relocated cars and I had to walk around and look for it (WTH)...

2. Something is Missing... And I'm not talking about my Car!!!

3. I'm shoveling my car out the snow and I see my neighbor in her late 60s is having a hard time so I offer to help her *deference at work* and I swear to you this Jawn acknowledged the help and took herself and her shovel in the house and never returned... Lol

4. I'm at the nail salon getting a pedicure and the chick next to me tells the Jawn doing her nails to watch out for the pimple on her big toe... Jawn that aint NO pimple. Lol

5. Why did Roscoe the cat that "thinks" he lives on my porch have a surprise waiting for me when I got home... If he tries to put that thing through my mail slot, Ima call the APCA on his tail!

6. U ever find yourself listening to reeeally old music? Like the kind that u don't play too loud? Lol...

7. Am I the only one who wanted some Doritos after the Super bowl???

8. How do you manage to comment on one of MY pictures on facebook and spell my name wrong... Its Right there??? That's like standing in front of someone and calling them the wrong name!

9. Wow... Never Heard of a funeral being postponed due to excepted Snow.

10. 2 weeks ago they predicted Snow on Monday for that Friday so why was it acceptable for my neighbors to start holding their spots on that Tuesday with chairs and cones??? UNACCEPTABLE!!!

11. OMG... I wanna play Duck Duck Goose!!!

12. I miss my Mommy... Time to go Home!!!

13. I'm not like what you've been used to...

"I will unite with anyone to do Right... And with No one to do Wrong" ~ Fredrick Douglas


1. IF you ask M.E... I'm READDDYYYY....

2. So the electrician comes to my house and worked on the electricity on Thursday Morning, Thursday night I come home to no power... I call him up and he tells me he couldn't see to turn it back on??? Huh??? On top of that he tells me he is afraid of the dark!!!! *dead*

3. Did I really just watch my co-worker cut some Dead Skin off of her toe and then just put the surgical scissors back in the draw for the next dental procedure??? OMG...that's nasty!

4. A Disgusted, Busted and Can't be Trusted Moment... at the Senior Center... Have you ever seen old people "Play House"??? Ewwww
Sidenote: I will never play the teenage Baby-Sitter Again!

5. Dang... Her weave is Expired!!!

6. At the Senior Center- I was teaching a session last Wednesday on AIDS in the elderly community and why did Mr. Kelvin shout out "I'm to fat to have AIDS"... Hahahhaha... Old people!

7. Did this armoured truck man just stop to talk to me with all those money bags in his hand??? He was so dumb I could have robbed him!

8. Your teeth are real loud right now... Lol

9. Why did my Boss fell off the ladder yesterday trying to steal digital cable from the MRI lab upstairs... Lol CHEAPO

10. If I always think, the way I always thought, I'll always see, the way I always saw; If I always see, the way I always saw, I'll always feel, the way I always felt; If I always feel, the way I always felt.... No wonder I always get what I always got!

11. My Boss is so cheap that when we finished with our patient and he saw her disposable bib covering wasn't dirty, he made me fold it back up to re-use for the next patient.

12. I found out the hard way that you never look for a new computer on your old computer... Btw Mac or Dell???

13. .... For the Unthinkable!!!

"Its ok to lose your pride over someone you love. Dont lose someone you love though over your pride. Stick with your entree and get over your sides". – Fabolous


1. 2010... My year of CONSISTENCE!!!!

2. Embarrassing Moment #57... So I really cursed this lil girl out this weekend cause she dropped a bag of onions infront of my house and was gonna walk away from them... 2 mins into my rant I realized the poor child didn't have any ARMS... I'm going to Hell!!!

3. A Disgusted, Busted and Can't be Trusted Moment: When my patient on Monday could not resist the urge to lick my fingers the whole time I was cleaning her teeth... Nasty Jawn!!!

4. So I'm driving home and I witness Car B hit Car A at a light... They both get out and the Black driver of Car B told the white Drive of Car A to pull over to the side to exchange info... Car A pulled over while Car B took off... I saw that coming a mile away!

5. So a 82 year old woman is sewing my Boss (the Dentist) for "putting his fingers in her mouth too many times"

6. Why did I find Roscoe the Cat that lives on my porch stuck in my mail slot on the door???

7. So I'm looking for Hotels to stay at in Miami and in small print- why did one of the Hotels say " Must bring your own Sheets" lol!!!

8. Why do Chinese people always ask for a second bag at the store??? I'm just really curious cause they barely want to give me one bag at their stores?

9. A toxic Job is like a Bad Boyfriend... Eventually you have to say Enough is Enough!!!

10. I started Mentoring again and the agency sent my yesterday a picture and brief background description of my student and why is she Chinese with the first name of Ho??? I gotta give this jawn a nickname!

11. Still looking for H.I.M.???

12. Have you ever wanted something so bad that you put your all into it to end up with nothing... Then time passes and that thing is given to you and you no longer want it???

13. So Many choices... None which meet the criteria...



1. Please STOP asking me if I still work at Best Buy especially when you run into me at the store and you see me in my uniform- I don't wear the shirt for fun!!!

2. If you are Black and the name on your credit card is Sung Ho... Please get out of my line, go to my co-worker next to me! Anything and Everything gets by Him!

3. Please Do Not comment on my appearance or personification... I will not smile because you tell me 2... I don't wear a name tag cause I am liable to be Rude to you, but if you ask my name is Giannia... HAHHAHAHHAHA (INSIDE JOKE)

4. Oh NO You Didn't Tell me you were in a hurry... I will be taking my sweet time now!!!!

5. I have no problem with you wanting to be on your phone... But Do Not ask me to repeat Myself!

6. Please don't get mad at me cause you waited 15 minutes in my line ONLY to find out we ONLY do returns at Customer Service. And Yes you have to wait in their long line as well! Lol

7. No we don't work off of commission so Please Stop acting like the money goes directly in my pockets!!!! I'm just trying to help you out!

8. Employees on your day off... Please RELAX, you just started 30 days ago, how was I suppose to know you worked here and you get a discount??? Closed mouths don't get Feed!

9. Sidenote: New Employees-Best Buy is lying to you... After the Holidays you will be getting the BOOT!!!! OOPS I'm late... You Did!!!

10. Customers Please do not come up to me at my register and ask me if "This is the Checkout"!!!!

11. Don't get mad at me because Walmart has the movie cheaper than we do... Why aren't you at Walmart then???

12. Service and Replacement plans are for IN-CASE-$HIT-HAPPENS... And knowing your luck.... $hit will happen!!!

13. Btw... If you are spending $999.99 on a item and you can't afford the $60 Service/ Replacement Plan then maybe you shouldn't be buying that item right now!!!

14. Customers Please Do Not come in the doors at 9:50pm and expect us to be Happy and Courtesy that you want a TV that's in the warehouse on the bottom of all the other tvs... For your Shopping convenience we will re-open at 9am tomorrow morning!

15. Did you really just ask me if we did LAYAWAYS???

16. Circuit City closed a year ago, please don't bring in a yr old circular and expect me to price match something for you!!!!

17. If you know that the line is long why wouldn't you use your time wisely and get your form of payment ready or make your selection before getting to my register? Don't you realize that's why the line is so long?

18. If we are having an Online ONLY sale... Why do you think its gonna be the same price in the store???

19. Please Don't come into Best Buy 5 times a week just to use our Internet and Play Rock Band!!! WE STILL LOVE YOU STEVE!!!! LOL

20. Employees we close at 10pm- We must be out by 10:05pm!!! Let's Stay Focus Tony!!!! Lol

22. Friends and Family... I know I work at Best Buy but I am not a walking, talking directory, I don't know if we carry it, How much it is, If its ever on Sale, How many we have in stock, How much it is with my discount, Can I drive to Delaware and get it with no taxes, Hold it for you at the store until next week, How much the service plan is, which model is better... And Finally NO I Do Not have the number to the manufacture. But since you are a Friend or Family Member- I would be happy to look it up for you ;)!!!!!



1. Don't ask questions if your not ready to hear the ANSWER...

2. Why are the Chinese food samplers at the mall so Darn Good??? But the Meal never compares?

3. Last week, I'm sitting at a red light and to my left pulls up this cute guy- nice car! So he asked me to roll my window down, and just then the gorilla glue holding up my sideview failed - leaving my freakin mirror dangling. :( SMH I just pulled off!!!

4. My Boss told me that I have Crack- Head Strength!!!! Lol I took it as a compliment!

5. So my friend came home one day to find a mouse in her bath tub, once she got over the initial panic attack she was instructed by her boyfriend to throw every cleaning supply that she had in the house at the mouse... Poor Mickey Didn't have a Chance Lmbo!!!!

6. Sometimes we know we shouldn't and thats exactly why we do...

7.Why did I see a woman holding a toddler in her hands on the back of a pick-up truck.... If she didn't qualify for the passenger side seat, I don't know who does!

8. FLASHBACK... Several yrs ago on Valentine's Day I really like this guy, and he brought all my friends and I a single red rose, so before I got home, my friends collected all the roses and put them together and told me that he had brought me these Rose(S)... I was so excited, but they could see I was about to O.D., so they confessed!!!! :( I think what they did hurt more than getting one single red rose! Thanks Nia, Eb and Chas!!!!

9. Why did my mother tell her Babies Daddy (yes u heard me right) that he stunk and this fool goes and sprays
Air freshner on himself???

10. The only easy day was yesterday!

11. Am I the only person who is Happy Eminem is back? Don't Judge Me!!!!

12. Unique is an understatement, I'm just messed up...

13. EXTRA- EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT... Apparently I Am Breaking News!!!!

"Love is not who you can see yourself with. It is who you can't see yourself without."



1. The one day a year I can be M.Y.S.E.L.F.

2. So around 1am Sunday morning, this mother comes knocking on my door with her 2 daughters tricker Treating, I told her I ran out of candy hours ago and she told me to turn my F-in porch light off! Hahhahhahahaha.... REALLY THO???

3. So why did my Boss come in on Saturday morning dressed like Robert Downey Jr, from Tropic Thunder- WHY WAS THAT ACCEPTABLE?!?

4. Since when does no custom get you Candy??? Not on my Block!!!!

5. Why did this lil boy come knocking on my door on Friday Night asking for Candy... I told him to come back on Saturday and he asked me could he spend the night (FRESH @ss)!!!

6. STRANGE... So why was my next door neighbor BBQ for Halloween and decide to hand out Hotdougs and Hamburger instead of candy!

7. Please People it is totally unacceptable and pure laziness to throw candy out of your third story window to the little kids!!!

8. Candy corn and Peeps make my skin crawl...

9. So my boss decided to glue his fake mustache on with the same glue we use to cement permanent crowns... Why did one of my patients rip it off in curiosity and took his skin off in the process!!!! Its tough being a black

10. I went to Loews the hardware store the day after Halloween and witnessed some man stealing pumpkins, I mentioned it to the woman at the register and she told me that the store has been monitoring and the workers have been crackin up at him sneaking the pumpkins all day considering that they were FREE!!!! LOL

11. If I hear Thriller One more time on the radio!!!!!!

12. Does the President's kids go tricker treating???

13. Okay... so I never even got to pass out the candy- because I ate it all myself... :)


1. Just waiting for you to change the color of my MOOD ring...

2. I think the Contractor working on my house stole my tooth paste... WWJD?

3. Why is this chick 8mos pregnant and out running me on the treadmill...???

4. Why did my patient have the nerve to tell me that my skin completion is what makes me teeth look so white- I wanted to monkey slap her!

5. I hate it when you tell me your gonna call me back and my phone never rings... Ugggggghhhhhh!!!

6. So my 60yr old grandma got into a fight with one of her neighbors last week lol (Why is my grandmother fighting?) In her words- "I had to Molly Whop that Hoe" lmao

7. Did I really walk into the glass door at Rite Aid??? I thought it was a automatic slider, but it never slid :( LOL

8. Gained 5lbs in my sleep dreaming I was on Top Chef sampling all the Food- And didnt cook a dang thing!!!! Lol

9. It may just be my opinion but I don't think heels are a good idea on the elliptical...

10. I miss my brother... Can't wait for him to come home!!!! (He is not in jail btw lol- The Navy)

11. Is it Bad that I go to the same shopping center where my gym is located to get something to eat but I don't workout???

12. My driver side mirror is being held on by Gorilla Glue... Please don't judge me or my Baby!!!!

13. I cried today... not because I miss you... or even wanted you... but because I realized I'm gonna be all right without you...

"Wanting him is hard to forget, loving him is hard to regret, losing him is hard to accept, but even with all the hurt I've felt, letting go is the most painful yet."



1. So I think I ran over someone's Grandma rushing home for the 2 hour season premier of Heroes- MY BAD... I couldn't be Tardy for that Party!

2. So yesterday I found a half eaten Burger King sandwich under my passenger side seat. God only knows how longs its been there- If its yours I'm holding it for you.

3. Dear Ms. Crackhead- Don't EVER in your life jump into the back seat of my car and tell me to
take you to the corner of Broad and Poplar.

4. Whoeva took my side mirror off on Cecil B. Moore Ave- May God have mercy on your Soul.

5. Please don't write WASH ME on my car window... My Car doesn't talk like that- lol

6. When My BFF saw me shifting gears, she told me how impressed she was that I knew how to drive a Stick- Poor child tought me moving my lever from (P) parked to (D) drive was a skill!!!
Lol oh Jenny B.

7. So I recently got into a road rage situation where I accidentally cut some SUV off on the highway- But I'm like 4ft nothing, with no side view mirror- So the jerk proceeded to jump back in front of me and go 2miles per hour next to a tracker trailer going even slower. So is it bad that when I finally got around him I repeated his actions??? Lol what's worst is my friend/ prophtye Kyndalle was next to me screaming Patty the whole way!!! (You just have to know Kyndalle) Lol

8. 3 weeks ago I caught the kids on my block using my car as base in a game of "IT" I chased one of the kids halfway down the block for throwing his body against my car- 2 days later my car
was keyed. Damn kids lol :(

9. Lasted I check, I pay my own car note... Please don't disrespect Me or My country music by changing the channel...

10. In the state of MD you get a front and back license plate but In PA you only get a back plate. Well several yrs ago I decided to lend my front plate to a friend so he could get his car from A to B without being pulled over. 8 months later someone found my plate in the backseat of a abandon car that had been shot up and striped! Lol Damn you Ricardo!!!! That wasn't to bright of me either I guess ;)

11. My first car ever caught on Fire while I am on my way to somewhere I shouldn't have been ;)... And 8 years later the same thing happened again!!! Guess it wasn't meant to be- AGF :)

12. Now you know I am the picture Queen did you really think you could fall asleep in my car and I not take a picture of you??? Lol

13. Please dont ask me to use my car, if you just wrecked yours...

"You can only go as fast as the person infront of you allows" ~Me (more about life then cars)


1. Dear Mr. School Bus Drive: Why were you in my way this morning??? Please stay off of Haverford Ave between the time of 710 and 745.
Sincerely, Patrice

2. I'm in Rite Aid yesterday, and why do I notice that the old man in front of me has his shoes on the wrong foot :( No wonder he walks with a limp.

3. Last night I witnessed one of my neighbors stealing the front porch furniture of another neighbor lol What do I did, I know they saw me... I dont wanna be the neighborhood Snitch but I am cool with the other neighbor. So much for the Neighborhood Watch!!!!

4. Why do I bother bringing a lunch to work if I'm gonna eat it by 930am?

5. Mr. Dump Truck Man- Why did you compact my trashcan lid??? And then admit it to me when I asked you the following week??? I want a new one- Thx

6. Continuous DISR.E.S.P.E.C.T. In the 09 to my Country Music!!! CAPITAL WTH KANYE!!!
Sidebar: WTH was Lil Mama doin??? I guess she said Jay-Z and Alicia made it look so easy a Toodler could do it!!! Lol
And Lady Gaga your 2 weird for even my random thoughts!!!

7. Do the Neighbors know your name...? I love the new Trey Songz album READY

8. Does Penny Candy still cost a Penny???

9. I want someone to buy me a zebra print snuggie!!! Thanks!!!!

10. Why did this fool think it was acceptable to drive over a fallen tree with a Ford Focus???

11. Why did my patient lose her pinky finger nail because she had her hand out the passenger side window and the driver chipped another car taking her nail right off??? Not funny but kinda is...

12. Interest are decepticons in business attire!!!!

13. If you think I'm lonely NOW...

"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."
Rest in Peace Patrick Swayze


1. You Still Haven't Figured Me out Yet??? I give you the answers and you still manage to Fail the Test!!!!

2. I'm told that Bruhz make great boyfriends... When they manage to get out of that undergraduate mentality- an Omega Man... imagine that!

3. So my mom was delivering mail one day and a White Man walked up to her and said "Have you ever had Sex in the Mail truck?"... My mother in her stuck face said "No"... So the guy said "Do you want to?... Lol Crazy things happen to my mom 2, its not just me!!!

4. It is Better To Be Alone, Than to keep the Wrong Company!

5. My boss caught me licking the inside of a Salt and Vinegar Chip bag (Don't act like you have never done it)... He was just mad that I was "Stashing" Food on him! Lol

6. Why did someone glue nickels, dimes and quarters to the sidewalk and had my mother walking down the street trying to pick them up! Hahahahaha! So SAD!!!!

7. Please don't mistake my tears for fear... Oh I'm just Pissed because I can't react the way I want!

8. Even his feet got muscles!!!! Lol

9. This Fall Degrassi gets Realer??? How much realer can that show get? I'm nervous...

10. Can I tell you a secret? I busted my tail carrying a huge bag of trash down the steps while on the phone wearing my good sandals... Landed on my back, slid down the stairs and knocked myself out with the bag of trash! Bruised my back and my ego! I need one of those "I've fallen and can't get up" Buttons!

11. When you look into the Mirror, Do you like what you see??? Confidence is Everything!!! I got Mines- Call M.E. if You Need Some :)

12. Brain farts are in an involuntary release of ignorance!

13. In 3yrs... GOOGLE ME....

"The World, Made By Man... Perfected By Women"


1. Have you ever wanted to date outside your race??? I think I am ready for a White Man... (Not you Eli) lol

2. Have you ever been down with O.P.P.???

3. Have you ever got into an argument and half way through realized you were wrong but still continued to argue your original point??? Shame on you!

4. Have you ever called someone to talk about your problems and they made the conversation all about them?? SORRY!!!! LOL

5. Have you ever given out the same advice that you yourself should follow??? "Practice What You Preach" *In my Best Barry White Voice*

6. Have you ever tried to make your co-worker disappear with your Super Powers???

7. Have you ever sent someone a text message or email about someone else and realized you had actually sent it to the person it was about??? Awkward!!! NOT A GOOD FEELING!!! GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY!!!

8. Have you ever sat at a stop light so long that it seemed like forever, only to realize you were at a stop sign???

9. Have you ever felt like you wanted to cry- but nothing was wrong???

10. Have you ever opened up an old B-Day card to see if you still had money left in it??? LOL

11. Have you ever picked your nose in public at a awkward time and didn't have anything but a chair or table to wipe your boogie on??? Ewwwww

12. Have you ever thought about responding back to my random thoughts ;)??? Lol I enjoy comments.

13. Have You Ever Loved Someone So Bad that it Hurt???... I'LL DRINK TO THAT!!!!



1. "Can't you look at me and tell that I am free???" ~ Muhammad Ali

2. My hair dresser at the Dominican Salon had a severe case of camel-toe... Her co-workers don't respect her... And apparently neither do I- lol

3. A patient called the office yesterday and asked me if the Doctor was sleeping with his wife because she spends more time at the office then home- Damn should I have not told him that She hasn't been in-in over a year?

4. I go to get some Chinese food and as I'm walking into the carry-out I get a glimpse of the Cook washing his feet on the side of the building with a hose- Its very unacceptable that I still went in and got my shrimp-rolls.

5. "My cousin from jail requested me as a friend on Facebook, Its going Down Yall" ~Peez.... "What was his network???" ~ Me lol

6. When my lil brother was 5, he witness my doug humping his cat. 3 weeks later his cat had kittens- Now somehow he believed that my doug fathered his cat's kittens... My brother hasn't been right ever since and neither has the cat! Lol

7. Did I really just sign a New 6 month contract with Comcast to get the HBO promotion just to watch TRUE BLOOD- I'm a Fiend!!!! Thx Peez

8. Some things you can't take back... And something are unforgivable ;(

9. Have u ever wondered how they get the paint into the spray paint cans? I have... Lol

10. "May he who is without sin cast the first stone"

11. 6 months ago, a patient came in with a stain on his sweater and I washed it for him at the office, Today he comes in with a large bag of laundry, and had the nerve to have specific instructions on how he wanted me to wash his unmentionables. My Job is a joke- And Im not laughing!

12. Why are relationship such big games... Why can't it go like this- I like you ... and You like me- so let's make something out of it???

13. I never apologize for being me...

"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."


1. Holding my tears at bay...

2. Have you ever been in the car alone and passed-gas and it was so fool that you had to say excuse me to yourself??? Lol

3. I'm convinced that my Boss has an imaginary friend, cause I know he ain't talking to me that way!!!!

4. Every minute spent angry- Is 60 seconds worth of Happiness Wasted...

5. Is it possible to be in Love with 2 people at the same time EQUALLY???

6. Is it wrong that I have been going really hard competing against a 3yr to be the Flower Girl at my Auntie and Unkle's wedding??? Sorry Chloe- But I mean business!!!

7. Things don't happen when you want them to happen... They happen when they're suppose to happen.

8. Why did a Bill Collector call my phone and leave me a voicemail saying "What is wrong with you"??? Lol I really ain't gonna pay you with that attitude!

9. Why did the chick on treadmill slit her pants and refused to stop her work out??? What's worst is I'm on the bike behind her and I have to watch her thong being lodged deeper and deeper into her crack!

10. I asked a pregnant woman to rub her belly yesterday, not only was she not Pregnant but she was not a She!!!

11. How could I be so naive???

12. Life is like a coin... You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can spend it ONLY once.


Takes a Fed-Up person to say those words, A Proud person to mean it, But a Strong person to stick to it... Jesus Walks With Me!!!!



1. "I keep on fallin' in and out of love with you, Sometimes I love you, Sometimes you make me blue, Sometimes I feel good, At times I feel used, Loving you darling- Makes me so confused"... Alicia Keys

2. If I can't have your Trust why would I want anything else???

3.Why did a patient tell me that he went to spit his gum out the window and his tooth went wit it???

4. Can you imagine a grown man wiping himself with a feminine wipe??? Lol

5. My Boss caught me changing the clock at work so we could get out 10 mins early so he moved it to 10 mins slow... Lil does he know Ima just come in 10 mins late tomorrow!!! Lol

6. How can you miss what you never had??? Most people miss out on their Blessing while they are too Busy Blessing their curse!!!

7. Almost died using my cruise control...

8. So I've heard of your car window being broken so when u go through the drive thru u have to open the door... But your window and door not working and having your kid climb out the back hatch to order the food then run around to window 1 and 2 is just too much!!!

9. Learning the hard way that... Forgiveness is not for the other person... Its for you!!!! (Thx LS)

10. Summarizing my weekend with the girls... 11 out 15, hot as hell, Chessmen, the return of the facilitator, girl talk, male bashing (much deserved lol), beer bellys, no Apples, Book reviews, great food, "I've nevers", blue suede shoes, uncontrolable laughter, astronomy lessons, disappearing acts ;), trips down memory lane, photo opts, sleepovas, crazy lightening, And WONDERFUL life updates... I love my Linesisters!!!

11. What is it about that elevator that makes me sound like Patti La Belle!

12. Please Don't make me do a drive by with my Bible!!!

13. I'm just Chillin...

"From great difficulties spring great dreams"


1. My life is a song... I want you to sing it off key!!!

2. To Good of a Woman to be your BEST KEPT SECRET...

3. If I ever go missing I have a folder on my computer titled Possible SUSPECTS... and within that folder are also several APPROVED pictures of myself for the news... Please don't have me out there on TV, milk cartons or papers looking JACKED!!!!

4.I wear shoes to bed cause I sleep walk... Lol

5. When I was in the 6th grade I was Absolutely Obsessed with this white boy with bangs... Oh Bradley Thomas where are you now??!???!

6. I once hopped in a dumpster hiding from some noisy Kappas just so they won't see me...(Had to be there) Lol I am the original Oscar the Grouch

7. I use to eat raw spaghetti noodles until I broke my tooth and ended up needing a root canal... Did I say "Use to"? Not a lesson learned!!!

8. I have reoccurring dreams that I am walking down a walkway in the park with the Man of my dreams and out of nowhere squirrels (Philly squirrels) start chasing us and H.E. Just leaves me to fight them off by myself!!! I have issues clearly...

9. I'm a cry baby on the low... Doesn't mean you should make me cry tho!!!

10. When I was born my family took one look at me and wanted to name me Tweetybird... Glad to see the rest of my body caught up with head!

11.When I'm DEPRESSED I SHOP... When I get my Credit Card statements- I get DEPRESSED... Do you not see the viscous never ending cycle I am twirling around in???

12. I like to touch pregnant people... Don't Judge Me!!!

13. My Best asset is my worst asset... Think about it!!!

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. "


1. Wishing on a Star...

2. Why did I watch a squirrel get electrocuted on my roof, play dead for 5 seconds then hop back up and re-gather his/her nuts!!! Lol

3. I asked a patient when was she due and she told me that she wasn't pregnant... AWKWARD!!!!

4. I have been late to work all week... What eva happened to those 6:30am wake up calls???

5. So my Boss hurt his finger yesterday, why did he think it was acceptable to give his finger an injection of novacaine???

6. I remember the time, place and the weather on the day you said hi to me...

7. This may sound a lil gay... But I am convinced that I am in Love with my I miss them jawnie heads... And I could really use them close by right now :)

8. I don't know why the Heart doesn't do what the Mind tells it???

9. Why did someone Sharpie my face on the picture of my Boss, Co-worker and me that hangs in the office??? My co-worker said it was one of the kids or the over-night clean up staff... But yall know I don't believe that Jawn ;( I feel so Disrespected!!!

10. Whatever happen to H.I.M.???

11. Its nothing like the summer, fireworks, cook out hoppin, Summertime on the radio, Legs
Shinning, Toes did- all while anticipating that first Hotdoug!!!

12. Not everyone wants to reach the Top... So feel luck if along your way you find someone heading in the same direction willing to climb with you...

13. THE COUNT DOWN BEGINS... OWT All Weekend... Catch Me If You Can!!!

"Let me tell you somethin'. This here, right now, at this very moment, is all that matters to me..." ~ Love Jones


1. 2 Times in 1 week... I'm spoiling you...

2. Its hard to explain the feeling when the inevitable becomes reality...

3. Why did Mr. Gross my patient have on a sports bra yesterday??? And when he noticed that I noticed the bra, he explained it as being good support for his back!!! AWKWARD!!!!

4. My Mother and Sister came up from Bmore for 2 days... Why did I have to take My Mommy to a suvineior shop to get Philadelphia key chains and magnets for her friends and co-workers? Lol

5. Come on Now... Did you really think those were Michael Jackson's Kids??? Lol

6. So my co-worker is a little on the slow side, she went out and brought 3 digital converter boxes because of the June 12th change over and she had the nerve to ask me to help her install them... Why does this Jawn have Verizon Fios already set up in her house???

7. "We go on because it is the hard thing to do. And we owe ourselves the difficulty" ~ Soror Nikki Giovanni

8. BEST BUY is slowly Fading me to Black!!!! Get at the Discount- Asap, Asap, A.S.A.P. :(
(Shout out to T-TA)

9. So they are really playing Mary Mary's "Its the God in Me" in the clubs!!! I Support It- But it does make it awkward to drop it like its hot :)

10. Did my patient really throw up in her mouth and expect me to continue to clean her teeth??? I'm SO DONE...

11. Why did I walk into the restroom at IKEA and someone had Shatted on the floor??? Nasty had completely missed the toilet!!! SMH

12. BTW am I the only one working on this 4th of July Friday???

13. IF you can keep your Head when are about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you... IF...

"Love yourself enough to set the standard for those who wish to Love you in Return"


1. Its too Big, Its too wide, Too Strong, It wont fit, Its too much, Its too tough...SUCH A BIG EGO...

2. Not Moving On... Moving Forward...

3. So my MARRIED patient put a personal ad in the news paper saying "looking for someone to have a good time with"... He set up a date with this woman who he thought shared the same interest as him, and when he got to the restaurant he was mortified to find out that his date was his wife who had also placed a personal ad in the same paper... AWKWARD!!!!

4. Was it just me or was the Bet Awards really that Horrible...??? Why was Drake sitting down? Ciara... NO BOO-BOO singing is not your thang, Why was Jamie and Neyo boo-lovin the whole show? Joe Jackson (shoot yaself), Vin Raines- what were you talking about? Beyonce- why the wedding dress? and Janet gave me chills!!!!

5. One of our patients swallowed her crown and 2 hrs later she called the office and said she could feel it when she touched her stomach.... Hahhahahhaaha... Not even possible!!!

6. I think the Ice Cream Man is selling more than just Ice Cream... Why else would he be on my block at 3am???

7. The drive thru tellers at McDonalds are taking that "Just throw it in the bag" song a lil 2 serious!

8. Did security really chase me at Six Flags because I took a picture of the picture of me on the Nitro???

9. Can facebook just add people to my friend list??? Cause I'm sure I would never accept you!!!!

10. A little bit of effort goes a long way...

11. I called you, you answered,I said Hi and began to pull my heart out to you, never letting you get a word in... 10 minutes later you decided to tell me I dialed the wrong number! Is it bad that I still asked you for advice???

12. I seen transformers 2 and I have just been waiting for my car to make a move!!!

13. SELF DESTRUCTING IN 5...4...3...2...1...

I AM SO CONFUSED... This must be a mid- life crisis!!!!


1. I'm lost and I'm finding it really hard to find my way...

2. Why is it that a man's apology is simply acting like nothing ever even happen???

3. Why did I give one of my patients the wrong whitenning material and now she is walking around with her upper teeth looking like chicklets... Ummmmm I Still have a Job!!!!

4. If my boss calls me the Island Girl one more time... He really must not be used to Black Women and Braids lol

5. A patient in your waiting room...

6. It really stressed me out that one of the bathroom stalls at my job has its own sink inside the stall!!!! Idk why but what made that stall so special?

7. So much GAS I could top off my car... Lol

8. I watched this man crash his car watching some Chick lick a lolipop at the bus stop... Wait until you see me eat the skin off this KFC 2pc.... Now that's S.E.X.Y!!!

9. Just because I love you- Doesn't mean we are suppose to be together :(

10. Why did I think Swagsurfing was something you did on the computer???

11. I choked on a sunflower seed at work... Actually not funny, almost seen my life flash before my eyes. But it didn't stop me from finishing the bag...

12. Press Play-> Brandy's "Have You Ever"

13. I have been running from my past, speeding to get to a better future, forgetting to slow down for today...



1. Did STELLA get her groove back??? What happens in the DR...

2. My new name is Patrice Louis Manuel Fernandez... I was married for 22 hours (he wasn't very faithful) Ohmmmmgeee lol

3. Almost lost my freakin life on a Banana Boat that capsized 3 times... I lost my breakfast and swallowed half the DR ocean...

4. Apparently at the Stripe Club called "Crystal's" where you can get anything for $3! I gave my friend $10 and I didn't see this dude until the plane ride home!!!!

5. Why did I step on a used condom on the beach? Only in the DR... Ewwwwww

6. ALICIA FARJDO... Nuff Said...

7. Never tell a Dominican woman that her baby is cute. Cause I did, then the woman left that jawn with me? I think she was asking me in spanish to take the baby back to the states with me! I turned around and the woman had disappeared... Hope that baby isn't still sitting on the beach!

8. Was I the only person who noticed the flies on the food? And did you know you can get any drink in a size Virgin???

9. Why did I go to the atm to get $20 out and it gave it to me in pesos coins, what kinda atm releases coins?

10. Got the best massage in the world... I walked in and saw this BIG JAWN and was like "I want you" *In my MR. T voice* she definitely got a lil up and close and personal wit me... (ummmmmm is it wrong that I like it?) HAHAHHAHAHA...

11. The DR- home of the unibrow and 3 thumbs per person!!!

12. If your not careful when driving through the city, they will rob you at a stop light...

13. Had the time of my life in the DR.... But now I need a vacation from my Vacation!!!! Looking forward to the Reunion June 6th!!!!

"Get the Booty Do"


1. No one told me it was gonna be this HARD...

2. Have you ever invited someone over to your place and when they went to use the restroom- you couldn't remember if you flushed the toilet from the last time you were in there??? AWKWARD!!!! LOL

3. So my 15yr old cousin just found out she is pregnant with Twins by her 16 year old boyfriend... His response to the news was... "How could that be? We only had sex once! So one of them can be mines, but the other belongs to someone else!?!?!"... SMH- CRACK IS WACK!!!

4. Someone definitely wrote in my Honestly Box on Facebook and said..." Where are the Random Thoughts"

5. I asked my Boss what did he do for his Wife for Mother's Day? And he said... "Nothing... She not my mother" Hahahahhahahahahha...

6. Why do I always get the squeaky wheel carts at the supermarket or Wal-mart???

7. So I am in Kmart and after about 5 mins I notice that 2 security guards are following me around the store (No I wasn't stealing anything). My first thought was "Why does Kmart need some many security guards"- the answer became apparent later... They were just trying to talk to me and get my number, I tried explaining to them I had no phone but that lie was exposed when the song "Everybody in the club gettin tipsy" started ringing from my pocket (its my mother's ringtone... Don't judge her). So they help me do my shopping and when we got to the front, the store manager started yelling at both of them cause apparently while they were flirting the store was robbed by one of its own employees!!!! Lol (TBContinued)

8. I think when you accept the unacceptable, the unacceptable becomes acceptable...

9. ... So did I mention that they thought I intentionally distracted the guards while the employee robbed the store? Oh yea... The employee used the septa bus to get away!

10. My Co-Worker's lunch smells like doo-doo on a stick... I'm so tempted to febreeze it!!!

11. Got chased by a fat cat yesterday... Now I am afraid to go home....

12. HE LOVES ME...


"Its The God In Me..." ~ Mary Mary


1. Okay so I really thought that you got the "Swine Flu" from eating pork.. I was avoiding bacon for a week before someone educated

2. When did texting replace over-the-phone or in-person conversations??? Im in a relationship with your voicemail!!!!

3. Why did a patient give us a $2,000 fake check in October? And then have the nerve to call the office and ask us to clean his teeth this Thursday?

4. I was at Path-mark shopping for my Housewarming and I had like 20 bags of groceries... so some little boy offered to help me carry my bags to my car, so I said sure and out of no where another little boy came and tried to help me too. Well the 1st boy got pissed and started beating down the 2nd boy. It was like a shopping bag turf war. So I proceeded to put my freakin groceries in my car myself... And don't you know after I was finished they both had the audacity to ask me for money... I NEED TO GET OUT OF PHILLY!!!

5. Oh Yea- Time to shave those legs and pull out the sun dresses and sandals... DR here I come...

6. What is the real meaning of O.P.P.??? Cause I was listening to a Ice Chip station and they had a caller call in and say it meant "Only Praying People"

7. Single and Ready to Mingle...

8. Life is just a minute,
Only sixty seconds in it,
Forced upon you, can't refuse it.
Didn't seek it, didn't choose it.
But it's up to you to use it.
You must suffer if you lose it,
Give an account if you abuse it,
Just a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it.

9. So my brakes sound like I'm dragging a soda can under my car... since I don't have the money to get them fixed, I decided to tie a real can to my car so I wouldnt be so embarrassed at the neighborhood stop lights...

10. So why did my next door neighbor un-tie the can from my car trying to be helpful... lol

11. Why did I see a man riding his bike on the street all while walking his doug on the sidewalk? What was worst is the doug was pulling him and making him run into

12. Who comes to a Wii Party and doesn't want to play the Wii??? lol Had a Great time at my Housewarming, Thank you to all my wonderful friends that came or was there in spirit and supported me... LUV YA!!!

13. "If you can keep your head when all about you..." For once in my life I'm about to be Real Selfish... Its all about M.E....

"Day and night (what, what)
I toss and turn, I keep stressing my mind, mind (what, what)
I look for peace but see I don't attain (what, what)
What I need for keeps this silly game we play .. play
Now look at this (what, what)
Madness to magnet keeps attracting me, me (what, what)
I try to run but see I'm not that fast (what, what)
I think I'm first but surely finish last .. last..."


1. I am ONE of a kind... Don't make the mistake of treating me like everyone else!!!!!!!

2. I don't understand by How you look at me, why we are not together???

3. I woke up Wednesday morning in a panic, it was 930am and I have to be to work at 730am. So while throwing my clothes on (yeah I wasn't gonna wash) in a rush I called the office and left my boss this stupid message "Hi, I got a flat tire and had these 3 Mexican guys push my car to the nearest tire center which happened to not have any air. Therefore I am stuck at the place waiting for a tow. I should be there in 30mins". Then, I get 2 blocks away from my house before I remember that I am off on Wednesdays...

4. No more yogurt before going to the gym... People are starting to stare!

5. Just because u saw me doesn't mean you made me Lil Weezy!!!!

6. Did you know when you hack into a business voice mail and delete the dumbest message you have ever left that-that message stays in the trash for 2 days before it really deletes? ;(

7. I found the key to weight lost! I was sick last week and lost 6lbs... I'm gonna get the flu next week... You won't even recognize me!!!

8. When I get rich, I'm going to hire a midget to scratch my back all

9. We pulled a 8 year old kid's wisdom teeth yesterday... Does anyone else not see the problem in that?

10. I don't drink coffee, it stunts your grow... AND I got places to go!!!

11. Do you even read my random thoughts? STOP skimming the page for the short ones...

12. Please stop DISRESPECTING ME....

13. I have been Disappointed, Disenfranchised And Disillusioned By Failed Relationships...

"A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination, prepared to be herself and only herself".


1. Why do Females Love with their Hearts and Males with their Heads??? For once I wish the roles were reversed!!!!

2. I'm downtown looking for a parking space and some guy pulls out with an hour still left on the meter- Don't you know the moment he left the spot, the meter went back to zero? Can the PPA (Philadelphia Parking Authority) really do that? Apparently yes they can...Mmmm SALT!!!!

3. I think everyone that works at my Dental Job goes into this one closet to past gas, I went into it yesterday (for no reason at all ;)) and I could tell someone had been there before me... Ewwwwwwwww

4. Why was there baby powder on the seat in the ladies room at my job??? Things that make
you go Mmmm hmm mm!!!!

5. BACK TO THE PPA... When I finally did park, don't you know they only gave me 3.5minutes for every quarter? What can I do in 3.5 minutes and why the half of a minute?

6. My Co-working and I haven't been speaking lately because she is twice my age, but doesn't act like it, so leaving the parking lot at my job the other day she hit someones car and then zoomed off... So I kindly left her information on the windshield of that person's car... It was the responsible thing to do ;) lol

7. I have the Greatest Mommy in the world... I thought I would share that with you on this Beautiful, Rainy, Pay-Day Friday!!! :)

8. I realized yesterday that I'm officially a old head cause I have a schedule from Sunday to Friday of things I must watch on TV., but I never see any of those shows because I fall asleep before they come on... Lol

9. Press Play... "At Night I Think Of You, I Want To Be Your Lady Baby"

10. I Can't Help but Remember those around me that I lost around this time of the year... My life hasn't been the same!

11. My Biggest fear in the world is that I will have the perfect job, all the $$$ I'll ever need, the House and the Car but no one to share it with...

12. Its funny how sometimes you don't get the hint until its slapping you in the face... You don't have to hit me... I GET IT!!!

13. Do you ever think that we are too OLD for the GAMES that we play? I don't wanna play anymore...

"The only Guy that deserves you is the one who thinks he doesn't."


1. You thought when you turned back I would still be there??? Silly Rabbit tricks are for kids...

2. Why was your mother doin the "Stanky leg"??? Lol

3. Who knew that going to the dentist would turn you on??? I really had a patient that started playin with himself while getting his teeth cleaned...

4. Pass relationships are like Passing Gas in Public... Just pretend it never happened!!! Lol

5. I love my new place... I am so Blessed!!! When are you coming by???

6. My boss caught me texting on my phone in front of a patient- AGAIN... I really felt like I was in high school all over again cause he took my phone and locked it in his desk until the end of the work day :(

7. So quiet u can hear a rat piss on cotton.... Lol (4 the Love of Ray J)

8. Some people have to walk through the fire and learn to walk with a limp... Ummmmmmmm

9. I have this patient that refuses to understand why her teeth won't get whiter when she bleaches them... Ummm let me see - This Jawn has an upper and lower dentures and they don't change in color! So is it morally wrong that we continue to sell her bleaching materials???

10. When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world!!!

11. I was with a patient on Monday and it might sound funny but I'm not trying to be- his feet smelled so bad that it started to make me feel sick! And when I stood up I almost passed out and I had a slight lost of vision... No he did not even have his shoes off!!!

12. Why do you go so hard for something and then when you get it you act like you never even really wanted it...???

13. I don't ask for much... Maybe that's why I get even less...

"When God Leads you to the edge o the cliff, trust Him fully and let go, Cause Only 1 of 2 things will Happen, Either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to Fly"


I Close my eyes, and curb my mouth, open my mind and words come out...
1. Don't miss your Blessing by Blessing your Curse... "Have I been doing this?"
2. So T (Terrible)-Mobile thought it was acceptable to not automatically update the time on my cell phone... The Disrespect Continues in the '09!!!
3. Why did my patient yesterday fall asleep while getting his teeth cleaned and he pee-peed on himself! Grown male thought he was dreaming! Whats worst is I was reading his chart and this wasn't the first time he's done this... EWWWWWWWW
4. Why did the Chinese people in the nail salon ask me if I wanted the Obama Special (Mani, Pedi, Eye Brows plus 2 free designs on the big toe)!!!
5. My Boss caught me eating my spaghetti with some of his dental instruments!!! I was all ready for the curse-out, but instead he just asked could he have some!!! Now I'm bothered that he doesn't see a problem with what I was doin!!!
6. No Boo Boo, that H & R Block Visa Debit Card is not a Black Card... Hahahhahahaha ~Cam
7. Took me 3 hours to put my bed together, and when I finally sat on it I feel straight through the center- Apparently they want you to use all of those nuts and bolts that come in the box. I knew one day those Bricks would be useful again!!! Please don't drop it like its hot on my bed tho... low simmer is more like it!!!
8. So my Best friend was in the potty on a train texting when the train came to a sudden stop and she flew across the bathroom with her panties around her ankles and she nearly died!!!! ROTFLMAO
9. Why did Lil Mama come to the Season Finale in her Oscar Award Winning outfit and who told her to read off a paper and give an acceptance speech! Wrap her up for the 4th season! PLEASE
10. My mom normally cleans the wax out of my ears... Haven't seen her in months!!! Lol
11. I had to Tell my personal trainer I want it to BOUNCE- not JIGGLE!!!
12. In order for 2 halves to be a whole, each half must be whole on its own...
13. Life's a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. My life is better left to chance, I could have missed the PAIN, but I would've had to miss the DANCE...

"From the Heart, the Mouth Speaks"


God Brought me to, and God will bring me through...
1. *Holding a Sign* Will Work for LOVE...
2. Why is my 6'4/ 320 lb patient wearing Ugg boots with his sweat pants tucked inside??? Oh No... He just told me he was from Bmore- SMH!!!
3. I'm at the gas station and the guy in front of me asks for $50 on his pump, which just put my $4.93 to shame... Well a minute into getting gas a cop pulled into the gas station and this dude jumped through his passenger car door into the drivers seat and took off!!! So I kindly pulled my car up to his pump, fulled my tank and had the nerve to go inside and got his change!!! lol
4. SO animal control finally came and got that dead Doug that my neighbor was walking up and down the street last!!! But it got me too thinking... A year ago, this same guy told me that his wife had died 3 years ago... I won't be surprised if that Jawn is still laying in his bed??? He creeps me out!!! I got to get out of Philly!
5. Have you ever missed your trash day and decided to drive your trash to another neighborhood???
6. HAHAHAHAHAHHA... Your Mom's on Facebook!!!!
7. Went to volunteer at the senior center on a Blizzard Wednesday, I had about 20 puzzles I wanted to donate so I TEMPORARILY parked my car in the Handicap spot in front of the building, I came out of the building and Mr. Kendricks had got ejected out of his wheel chair into the snow, I went to help some of the other volunteers help him get up and I asked what happened and they said "Some Jerk parked in the Handicap spot and Mr. Kendricks had to park around the corner and wheel up the block on the ice!!! Dang... I felt bad... I blashed myself in front of the group for 10 mins, waited for everyone to leave then moved my car. lol
8. I don't SING... I VIBE... Yes thats what I call it!!!!
9. I have been thinking about it... What is another word for "thesaurus"?
10. How you gonna order take out for someone in another state??? My Adp and Kenny are Silly!!!
11. Hahahahaha... I'm laughing just thinking about this one... Why did my friend call the cops on a stray cat that was apparently "preventing" her from living her house cause the cat wont leave her steps!!! lol You will not allow a cat to hold you hostage in your own house Jinnely!!!
12. Sometimes God Has To Turn You Up Side down, So You Can Learn To Live Right Side Up!!! AMEN
13. Are YOU Hiring????
(If you didn't get it, Refer to #1)
"If I can't do it, Then it Can't be Done"



1. I turned on the Television and Jennifer Hudson was doin the Dang Thang... Thought I was watchin the extended edition of Dream Girls!!!
2. Despite what you might thing, Just because I am a Woman- Doesn't mean I do understand the Game... Those text messages you may have got asking questions throughout the game did not come from me!!!
3. So I listened to all of the Offensive and Defensive Players Names and what Colleges they came from and Temple was not mentioned once... SMH!!!
4. Was it me or was the Commercials really BAD this year??? Too Many horses- Not enough Food!!! lol
5. Glad to Hear that no one brought up the Janet Jackson incident... Guess I just did... My Bad!!!
6. What does running like James Brown Really mean??? Have you ever seen James Brown run??? Re: James Harrison's 2nd quarter play!
7. While you were watching the game- were you yelling and screaming at the players on the TV then looking to your left and right to make sure no one thought you were crazy like I did??? The CRAZY part is I was by myself!!! *LOL in a crazy, creep way*
8. 12 minutes of Bruce Springsteen signing about the Glory Days almost made me want to bang my head up against a wall... Literally!!!!
9. Im selling Super Bowl Paddles... PAT.C.MOORE keeps it pushin around here!!! lol www.patcmoore.webs/com
10. Im a very superstitious (you know I had to look up the spelling of this word... I am ESL) person, I had to watch the game with my good red and white stripped socks on my feet, the RED GLOVE on my left hand, a bag of BBQ sunflower seeds and my hair in a Onlytail!!! STEELER NATION has me to thank, Please send all checks to North Philly!!!
11. At one point I got so Anxious, So Nervous... My heart was pounding, ears were ringing like a Fat Kid pulling into the parking lot of Hersey Park... And then I realized I don't even like ever of those 2 teams and Im not even a Football fan!!! lol
12. So WHY did I even watch the game? So I could bring to you these
13. FINALLY... Football Season is OVER... Now can we get back to ME???