Thursday, August 28, 2008



1. Believe it or not I was the tallest person in my first grade class... Its been down hill ever since...

2. Why did I see a Philadelphia Parking Authority Car with a ticket on its wind shield? Ain't no Love in the Heart of the City!!!

3. Why did one of my patients ask me "What the hell does Russia want with Georgia and how
does Louisiana feel about this?" Am I slow if I tell you I wondered the same thing?

4. Ever Wonder Where Do Forwards Start?

5. I don't want you to walk in front of me, behind me, I just want you Beside me...

6. Who told The Game to ruin a classic movie like BELLY and come out wit a Sequel... Lol... Now in Stores!!
Side Note: Why was Belly so dark? Even store copies looked bootlegged!

7. Why did I go on a boat ride in New York and I had full service on my cell phone but I can't get a halfa bar in my apartment... T(errible) Mobile- continues to Disrespect my life!

8. Why did 2 female crackheads get into a fight in LOVE PARK over a male crackhead! And one of the females stable the other! I wonder if they intentionally met up in LOVE Park???

9. Went to a BBQ in Bmore and some woman put a cigarette in her mouth and walked up to one of the teke torches and leaned in to light the cigarette... Haha Almost burned off her eye brows! (Shout to the Sands Fam)

10. I think the worst thing about being lied to is knowing that you weren't worth the truth...

11. It poured down raining the other day and I saw a man and women on a motorcycle and the female had the nerve to have a umbrella up! lol

12. I just started watchin this show called OZ, I must have grew up in a cave cause apparently the show came out a long time ago! (Is it my fault I didn't have HBO when I was growing up) Anywho... This show is blowing my mind...

13. I want something that I have NEVER had... So I guess, I have to do something I have NEVER done...!!!

If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same...

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