Thursday, August 28, 2008



1. I wonder what H.E. is thinking about right now? And can H.E. tell when I'm thinking about H.I.M.?

2. Comcast has utterly and completely Disrespected my life, I have been without Internet, cable and phone for 2 weeks now…

3. I had a patient on Friday that was 89 years old and wore an hearing aid… so she says to the Doctor in a really loud voice "I'm going to take my hearing aid out cause last time you got it wet and I couldn't hear for 3 days". So the Doctor starts to work on her meanwhile telling me all about her life and how she was rich, cruel and stubborn. An hour later she says "Doctor, I meant to tell you a half hour ago that I never took out my hearing aid" :o(

4. You know that your business is not doing well if you are still having a GRAND OPENING SALE- 6 months after you opened!!!

5. Its funny how individuals are always quick to offer you advice and never follow it themselves… Barry White said "Practice what you Preach"…

6. I watched a man run out of gas on Lancaster Ave push his car pass the Exxon Gas Station ($4.16 for regular) to the next street over to the Sunoco ($4.09 for regular)… what is this world coming to?

7. I pulled up to my house and my neighbor was outside and whenever she sees me, she wants to talk for hours, so I picked up my phone and pretended to be speaking to someone, so when I passed her I was running my mouth on the phone and she asked could she speak to me for a min, I said to her I'm sorry but I'm on a very important phone call… then don't you know my phone rang- all loud and ignorant!! I have to get rid of the jiggy ringtones! Just an example of how God- don't like ugly!

8. Is it possible to lactate (produce milk) and not be pregnant? Guess we will find out in 9 months! PLEASE this question is not about me…

9. You'll be surprised at how much people don't really think about you so stop worrying about them...

10. If you see a crime being committed how likely are you to report it to the Authorities? Or do you just assume someone else will do it? 2 women were rapped in North Philadelphia last week and the neighbors heard screams but no one called the cops! TRASH!

11. Did you know that people actually have weddings at Barbers Hall the bar on Broad and Oxford? How you gonna hang streamers over the Coors Light signs? My friend went to a wedding there and said they were passing around 10 cent wings through the aisle during the ceremony!!! lol

12. A Conversation with my 3 year old nephew…
Me: Hi Zyrus, How was your day today?
Zyrus: It was quite fine!
Me: Quite- that's a big word you used.
Zyrus: What grade are you in? Should I speak slower?
Me: Take your tail outside and play in the dirt with the other kids. lol

13. Happiness keeps me sweet, H.E. keeps me guessing, Trials keep me Strong, Sorrows Keep me Human, Failures keep me Humble, Success keeps me Glowing, But Only GOD keeps you going…

A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination, prepared to be herself and only herself.

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