Thursday, August 28, 2008



1. Is it possible to Love and Trust Again...? Or will the Next Always End Up Playing for the Mistakes of Another?

2. I am currently struggling with my thoughts both LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY!!!

3. So I just might be in trouble at the Dentist Office, cause I sat up some guys chart wrong and instead of pulling 2 of the guys wisdom teeth we pulled 2 of his 2nd molars. The worst part is that we didn't even tell him we made a mistake... we just scheduled him to come back next week to for a check-up in which we will convince him that he should have his "2nd molars" also removed!!!

4. A Response to my lactating question... "From my nipple suckling experience it is possible to lactate w/o being pregnant and it taste funny 2 but it wasn't that bad... at least I assumed she wasn't pregnant"

5. I went home for a family event and my cousin Nico had on tighter pants then mines... Apparently this is some new trend that I missed... I foresee a rise in male yeast infections!!!

6. So I went out to dinner one night by myself... SO SAD... So I sat at the bar, 15 mins into waiting for my food, in walks this guy I use to like years ago with his girlfriend, and don't you know they sat at the bar right next to me. So at this point I am hysterical because what are the chances? He comes over to me and gives me a hug, introduces me to his girlfriend then says "Who are you here wit?" Now I am really embarrassed, so I did what any self-respecting woman would do... I told him my friend worked there and I was just hanging out! lol I spent the next hour talking to this one waiter trying to act like we were friends. :(

7. Music makes me loose Control...

8. So my LS Sharde gets hit by this real old guy who she apparently cut off on the road, she proceeds to follow this man for miles trying to get him to stop so she can tell him that he hit her, they end up outside his retirement home and she says "Excuse me Sir, but you hit my car", and he says "I know... you shouldn't have cut me off". lol The cops had to come and they gave this man 9 tickets for reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident... they end up in court and the man tells the judge the same thing... "Yeah I intentionally hit her cause I didn't like the way she avoided the traffic and went around"... BEWARE of old farts on the road!!!

9. Why did some guy get arrested for selling his Presidential Vote on Ebay? Glad I didn't think of it first!

10. A woman came in on Thursday with her little girl because apparently the little girls tooth was loose and ready to come out and they decided to go old school and tie a string to the tooth and the door knob... Somehow when they slammed the door closed the 88lb girl flew with her tooth and landed on the floor face first and cracked her 2 permentate upper front teeth. The best part of wearing a mask at work is people can never tell you are laughing at!!!

11. So much for the zoo... some woman got attacked by a monkey this week... Maybe I will have better luck with someone taking me to the aquarium... *hint*

12. What hurts more, the Truth or a Lie?...

13. What you see is what y.o.u. get... And I have never looked Better!!!

"From the Heart... the Mouth Speaks"

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