Thursday, August 28, 2008



1. I wanna know what Good Love Feels Like... Good Love!!!

2. Timmy is getting more play then he deserves... Things that make you go Ummmm!!!

3. We were working on a Dental patient for like 2 hrs when she asked to go to the bathroom... well like 15mins went by and she hadn't come back, so my boss asked me to go to the bathroom and check on her. When I went to the bathroom she wasn't there, so we called her on her cell phone and asked her where was she? Don't you know this JAWN went home to use the restroom she said- for what she had to do, she had to be in the comfort of her own home!!! This job never ceases to amaze me!!!

4. When is Facebook gonna get face Recognition so I can STOP having to TAG these pictures myself???

5. Why did my cousin rob a bank and only got away with $178, but the fool left his ID behind and the bank took the money out of her savings account!!! lol

6. Have you ever driven somewhere and don't recall the actual drive?

7. So my sister's father has this bike that he is always on, One day he was riding his bike and was going to fast and couldn't stop and got thrown from the bike over the handle bars. Why did two guys come over- asked him was he okay and then road off with his bike? Hahaha... I can't stop laughing!!! He is currently interviewing every crackhead in the neighborhood hoping to get his bike back!!!

8. Think and speak highly of your enemies...You created them...

9. Don't you hate it when you are telling someone a story and they continue to interject by telling you about something similar that happened to them? Well is it my fault I have a lot of Life Experiences!?!? lol I am currently working to improve in this area of my life!!!

10. Why is my teacher afraid of the rain? The first time she heard lightening in the classroom, she screamed and jumped under the desk and dismissed class!!! I hope it rains all semester!

11. Why did someone leave their underwear in the bathroom stall in Best Buy... see attachment!!! JUST PURE NASTY!!!

12. Would you eat at a McDonald's that didn't have a Golden Arc outside? That seems a lil suspect to me!!!

13. If You Wanna Know If He LOVES You So -It's In His Kiss...That's where it is!!!

"A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own self hood, it can never fulfill itself."

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