Thursday, August 28, 2008



1. I Like the person I am when I'm with you... But I don't understand her at all...

2. A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS... Car breaks down on a sat... lose my job on a Wednesday... lose another job that Thursday... THE GREENER SIDE... Buy a new car on Friday and today I got rid of my dancing shoes... shout out to y.o.u. :)

3. HERE WE GO AGAIN... I had to call my old boss for a favor to help me get my new car :( when I went to the office to say Thank you, my boss wasn't there but the guy who took my place said to me "You seem very nice, your nothing like how Mr. Owens described you"... then he told me that Mr. Owens was out to lunch with some White Muslim but if Mrs. Owens calls he is out appraising a house...hahahaha... Some things never change (but with the White Muslim tho? she sounds familiar) lol

4. I was at the car dealership getting me new car, when a large motor home was towed in (Who knew Nissian made motor homes?). The front of the vehicle was in dire need of repair and the whole thing generally looked like an extra in "Twister." I asked the manager what had happened. He told me that the driver had set the "cruise control" and then went in the back to make a sammich. lol

5. Did you know that Crackheads were selling their children's SSN's on craigslist for tax purposes??? I was out bidded twice... better luck next year!!!

6. Im at the mall, in the dressing room trying on some clothes... I lose my balance (on their newly waxed floors) while trying on some pants and fall out of the dressing room... some fool screamed and the whole store turned around to look at me... did I mention that I didnt have on a shirt or a bra? The store was nice enough to give me the jeans for free!!!

7. Does pushing the elevator button more than once, really make it come faster???

8. So is it Really speeding if it was all Down Hill? Besides I would never do 95mph on a 55 mph road... this ticket is putting a hole in my wallet!!!

9. Im watching Maury and this woman comes on for the 5th time to test the 13th man to see if he is the father of her baby... comes to find out the baby isn't either hers, her baby was switched at birth... dang The Maury Show can be so deep!!!

10. I took my sister to the Breakfast Club to eat and when the waitress came to take our order my sister ask "Are yall still serving Breakfast?"... hahaha I got the smart genes!!!!

11. My friend's mother called 911 very worried asking the dispatcher if she needs to take her lil son to the emergency room, cause he was eating ants. The dispatcher tells her no... just give the kid some Benadryl and it should be fine and her mother says " My older son has already given him ant killer"... these is why I don't have kids... besides the obvious :)

12. "Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing". ~James 1:4

13. I have some much on my mind... so many feelings in my heart... I only wish I could express them wit just o.n.e THOUGHT...

"The less I get, the more I want..."

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