Thursday, August 28, 2008



1. 25 HAS NEVER LOOKED BETTER... Shout outs to everyone that wished me a Happy B-day!!!

2. Why is it that the person on the first treadmill in the gym always has the nerve to pass gas while workin it out?... And they know that the fan is carrying everything down wind!!!

3. So we are making a bridge for this man at my job and we started by pulling one of his teeth and then shaving down the other 2 teeth... half way through the procedure this man says to the doctor- "You never told me how much this was gonna cost" So my boss is like "Can we talk about this later, I'm in the middle of something"... so the guy says "No, before you continue I need to know how much its gonna cost me"... So my boss tells him the cost and the man seriously got up, told my boss he was ripping people off and left out with 2 shorten teeth and one missing :) I love my job!!!

4. The other night it was late and I had people in my house and I decided to get something out of my car, on the way out of the door I did a very routine thing by locking the main door to my apartment building. When I got my ipod out of the car I realized that I had locked myself out of my house... I was banging on the door for 30 mins, no one came outside to even see what was taking me so long... crackheads were coming up to me giving me ideas of how to break into my house (this has me nerves by the way)... It finally came to me that I used my keys to get into my car and that my house keys were also on that ring... I am RED-TARD-DID!!!!

5. Things are never as good as they seem; nor are they ever as dire as you perceive them to be...

6. It hurts my heart to think that my guy best friend of 8 years (thru thick and thin) could just stop calling me and caring about me without a warning or a reason- because of his jawn (mind you I thought me and her (the jawn) was cool)... Guess I was wrong... I am currently letting this situation roll off my back...

7. On my way to work at 7 am one morning and this psycho woman cuts my car off... At the very next light she runs into a deer crossing... God doesn't like ugly!!! I am currently driving like a model citizen!!!

8. I like to work out on the first treadmill in the

9. When I was 4 yrs old I decided to run away from home because my mother was pregnant with my lil brother and I was not down... I didn't make it any farther than around the block because I wasn't allowed to cross the street... Well I'm 25 yrs old now... time for me to cross that street...

10. Sometimes I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can anyone deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It's beyond me.

11. Will I ever meet my S.S. or R.S. in person?... we have to make this happen Ladies!!!

12. One of my patients came in and while we were waiting for the doctor to come in she started talking about how her shoes were hurting her and couldn't wait to get home to take off her shoes... so I look down at her feet and started laughing hysterically because she had her shoes on the wrong foot... How OLD are we that you don't know your right from your left?

13. I am in a Relationship... with God, No Man has ever treated me so well!!!

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but opening your hands to receive something better."

1 comment:

Nik James said...

You are such a fool, you keep me laughing girl