Thursday, August 28, 2008



1. Does SLOW and STEADY really win the RACE...? Will this question ever have an answer for me?

2. I have had a bad week... Please be patient... Im praying as if its all up to God and working as if its all up to me...

3. Please watch your wigs and hair piece when you come to the Dentist... One of our patients got his hair stuck to the Velcro on the head rest and after his visit he didnt realize it was missing... the worst part is his "ladyfriend" came to pick him up and she didn't know that he wore a hair piece... I was embarrassed for him!!!

4. Did you know that you can text Google (466453) a name or word and it will send you a location and phone number or a definition?

5. My best friend calls me because she started dating someone 2 weeks ago and doesn't know his name! The worst part is that ever time he talks to her he says her what would you do?

6. Who told Lil Mama to come back for another season of America's Best Dance Crew?

7. So a patient comes and in and wants one of his wisdom teeth pulled and my boss says what is this bump on your lip? And the patient says "I don't know but can you pull my wisdom?" and My boss says... "I could- but not until you get that Herpe off your lip?" I started cracking up laughing,,, I had to excuse myself...

8. So they are doing construction at my job and the handicap ramp is boxed off, so some idiot built this makeshift ramp on the other side of the building, why when i pulled up at work this woman in a wheelchair was using her feet to help move her up the ramp and because of the incline she was rolling right back (btw i had to practically carry her to the top of the ramp and then roll her chair up)!

9. I hate being the cut off person, that doesn't make the light, especially when the person in front of you was driving so slow and braking with no one in front of them but somehow they make it through... :(

10. What ever happened to Video Music Box?

11. "Blessed are they that Mourn: for they shall be comforted" ~ Matthew 5:4

12. When I pass I don't want anyone to speak on my behalf... A picture Says A Thousand Words and I have penty... Please honor my wishes and just Let the Film Play!!!!

13. Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting that they won't...

" Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two."

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