Wednesday, August 20, 2008



1. I get a text message on Wed. from an unknown number saying "what ever happened with you and your Real Estate job?... so I replied who are you? How did you get my number? and How do you know about my job? They responded back saying you don't know me but my friend Sara sends me your random thoughts that you send to her friend, and I am just fiendin to know what happened on Friday?

Outrageous.... BUT Can someone please make sure Sara gets this to her friend? lol... CRAZINESS!!!

2. So my FORMER boss is bipolar... he asked me last Thursday to stay for another 2 weeks because the office desperately needed me and he was gonna pay me double my pay. Friday came around and he started yelling at me saying that I was selfish for wanting to leave the office and that I would never find another employer like him. That's when I went to the computer, deleted all the work I did there for the past 2 years, grabbed my bottle of sanitizer, and told him he was CRAZY...AND WALKED OUT!!!

3. He calls me an hour later to ask if I was coming in on Monday?... Was he SERIOUS? lol

4. I can see clearly now, the Rain is gone, I can see all the Obstacles that come my way!!!! :)

5. I was at the postoffice on Tuesday and this Crackhead was on her boost mobile phone telling the crackhead on the other end that she was at the bank trying to make a withdrawal... I immediately left, anything could have happened when she got to the teller and realized it wasn't a bank!

6. I found out yesterday that Wrestling was fake... my whole childhood seems like a lie now :(

7. Have you ever drivin somewhere and wondered How you got there.... like you know you drove but you don't remember the drive?

8. I wonder if Maury ever thought about having his show backstage because that is where everyone ends up at anyway? I should write him and give him some ideas...

9. I got pulled over by the cops yesterday, so as I slid my seat belt on and dropped my cell phone I was approached by 2 huge undercover cops? One of them came to my door, trying to flirt with me and then says "Hey when and where did you become a Delta? We bruhz from Mu Chapter" ... They must not know that I am from a Kappa loving chapter!!! lol j/k

10. I drove down 16th and Cecil B. Moore this week and it looks like a jail house yard... cause they have weight benches and weights outside in the middle of the day and it looks like everyone is on steroids.

11. I am so confused why they let Lil Mama be on American Best Dance Crew? Who is she? She had one hit! She can't even dance! And why does she wear that hat?

12. Have you ever seen the Grand Canon? Well its located on 18th and Susquehanna, I was almost ejected from my car when I hit that hole!!! And there is a lil boy waiting to snatch up your hubcap!!!

13. Did you ever play the game MASH when you were a kid... I just played and ended up with y.o.u., living in a shack with 2 kids, driving a orange galant... Not how I pictured our future... but hey it works for me!!!!

"To whom much is GIVEN, much is REQUIRED"

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