Wednesday, September 3, 2008



1. I asked the QUESTION "Why have I been so Blessed with a great Life and Wonderful Love ones?" - GOD is the ANSWER :) !!!

2. Are times really that hard? Did I really just check the pay phone for left change?

3. Had a patient last week that decided he wanted to sleep in the dental chair after getting his procedure, so I told him he was fine and could stay seated if he wanted! So I left the room and shut the door! I left work that Monday at 8'clock pm and headed home, then as I was pulling up in front of my door, I get a call from security saying that the alarm in the office is going off! So I drive all the way back to Bryn Mawr to find this fool still asleep in room! Sir you don't have to go home, But...

4. Ms. Lee asked me to go to the Dollar Tree and get her a pregnancy test! This jawn is 72 years old... And why does she know that the Dollar Tree sells pregnancy test? Stick around for the results...

5. Is it Bad that my car has Triple Delta Para? I must be the reason they came up wit the 2 piece max rule!!!

6. Has America completely forgot about the THANK YOU Signal (when you let another driver get in front of you on the road, they should put their hand up to signal thank you)!!! How RUDE!!! However- don't give me the wave when I clearly had no intentions of letting you over...

7. The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called JESUS, you will make it to a place called Success.

8. So I am sittin at the pump for 20 mins waiting for someone to come pump my gas when I realized that I'm not in NJ and its self service- Jersey spoils me!

9. Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change... EIGHT IS ENOUGH!!! OBAMA 08 YALL!!!!

10. Wanna know the story behind the GLOVE??? To be Honest... There is None! I'm just Random- You should know this by now! My Glove brings all the boys to the yard...

11. Am I the ONLY 25 year old that still works on their Rubber band Ball? So what- I don't Care, Ima make the Guinness Book of World Records someday!

12. Went to the bathroom in the center to wash my hands and some woman was in the bathroom and was yelling for me (anyone) to get her some toilet paper! She had her hand reached out under neath the stall- when I went to put the toilet paper roll in her hand she had poop all over her fingers! I was so disgusted! I dropped the toilet paper, kicked it to her and then ran out the bathroom! :(


There are two days that I do not worry about YESTERDAY and TOMORROW...

1 comment:

The Momo Momma said...

--did you actually use that payphone you were checking for extra change?! if yes...then TIMES ARE THAT HARD... where is your CELL!!!?? If no... then don't be sticking your fingers in that little hole..remember that urban ledgend about them HIV needles left in payphones!!! lol...

..that poopy finger..was just ...gross!