Friday, October 3, 2008



1. When I can't see you in PERSON... I will See YOU in my DREAMS...

2. Did my co-worker really get in my car wit dodo on the bottom of his shoes? I'm disgusted!

3. My boss and co-worker are on vacation this week so I decided on Thursday to take a nap in the hygiene room, I was knocked out wit ritz crackers in one hand and a ginger ale in the other -Maury was on the television and the answering service on... When the voice of my boss standing over me woke me up and made me want to pee my pants... I still have a job tho- I think!?!?!?!

4. I just had the best Grilled Cheese... Ummmm ummmm Good!!!

5. CRAZINESS... So my EX friend and I haven't spoke since New Years- Why? I wish I knew! I have been calling, texting, and writing this dude and still no response! So I sent him a text msg saying hey I know we haven't talked in a while but I have some Eagle tickets so hit me up if u want them and don't you know this JERK responses back and says "what game are the tickets for and how much do you want for them?" It has been 9 months and this is what gets a reaction from you? My bottom lip is on the floor and I am Speechless!!!

6. The Real Art of Conversation is not only to say the Right thing at the Right place but to leave unsaid the Wrong things at the Tempting Moment!!!

7. Why is it when you are in traffic and you notice that the lane next to you is moving faster- you switch lanes and all of a sudden that lane is now moving slower and your former lane is speeding down the highway now and you can't get back over?

8. Accidentally deleted 5 patience and 3 payment records in the " My Dental" software on the office computer... I was just trying to play Free Cell on the computer, can't wait until my co-worker comes back so I can blame this stuff on her!

9.GOOD, BETTER, BEST... Never let it REST until your Good gets Better, and your Better gets BEST...

10. Is it strange that I have no idea what my boss' teeth look like? He never takes off the darn mask... I wonder if he cleans his own teeth- I sure do? BTW I are ready to perform my first bootleg cleaning out of my house, my tools of choice are growing day by day so and YES I can do Whitenings!!!!

11. Oh Gosh... Now I have to fight with the school buses to get to work on time... I would like to make the person who came up wit the idea of given them their own mini stop sign- kick rock wit no shoes and no socks on... Lol

12. This might sound sappy- But I miss my Linesisters- Its only been 2 months since the five of us were together and I am going through heavy withdrawal!!! :( I can't wait until VEGAS_ whenever that is?!!!

13. The Only Way Its Gonna Work Is If You Love Me Even When It Hurts...~Brand New Avant

"I always tell the truth even when I Lie" ~ Scarface

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