Thursday, August 28, 2008



1. Believe it or not I was the tallest person in my first grade class... Its been down hill ever since...

2. Why did I see a Philadelphia Parking Authority Car with a ticket on its wind shield? Ain't no Love in the Heart of the City!!!

3. Why did one of my patients ask me "What the hell does Russia want with Georgia and how
does Louisiana feel about this?" Am I slow if I tell you I wondered the same thing?

4. Ever Wonder Where Do Forwards Start?

5. I don't want you to walk in front of me, behind me, I just want you Beside me...

6. Who told The Game to ruin a classic movie like BELLY and come out wit a Sequel... Lol... Now in Stores!!
Side Note: Why was Belly so dark? Even store copies looked bootlegged!

7. Why did I go on a boat ride in New York and I had full service on my cell phone but I can't get a halfa bar in my apartment... T(errible) Mobile- continues to Disrespect my life!

8. Why did 2 female crackheads get into a fight in LOVE PARK over a male crackhead! And one of the females stable the other! I wonder if they intentionally met up in LOVE Park???

9. Went to a BBQ in Bmore and some woman put a cigarette in her mouth and walked up to one of the teke torches and leaned in to light the cigarette... Haha Almost burned off her eye brows! (Shout to the Sands Fam)

10. I think the worst thing about being lied to is knowing that you weren't worth the truth...

11. It poured down raining the other day and I saw a man and women on a motorcycle and the female had the nerve to have a umbrella up! lol

12. I just started watchin this show called OZ, I must have grew up in a cave cause apparently the show came out a long time ago! (Is it my fault I didn't have HBO when I was growing up) Anywho... This show is blowing my mind...

13. I want something that I have NEVER had... So I guess, I have to do something I have NEVER done...!!!

If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same...


So I started Volunteering at the Philadelphia Senior Center (PSC)...

The Names have been changed to protect the ELDERLY!!!

1. Got caught sleeping in the back stairwell by Ms. Wilson... but she is cool... she makes me stratch her back tho- don't worry, I wear the GLOVE!!!

2. If one more Senior pulls out their freakin teeth and tries to hand me their denture like I know what to with it...

3. Mr. Fields is 89 years old and believes that he is Barrack Obama's father... He tells me stories all day of a young Barrack!

4. Some old white man hit me on the butt wit his cane to signal me to open the door for him... He is currently still waiting for that door!

5. Caught Ms. Jaime and Ms. Sharee smokin weed in the Garden- they asked me if I wanted some-then gave me $10 to keep quite! I sure hope yall don't tell on them- I like my hush money!

6. I currently have 2 Ques, 1 Kappa and a Zeta fight to play me in a game of checkers! My checker game is tight but The Zeta is a beast- Literally!

7. They got a class called "Drop Down and Get ur Eagle On"- I am so sad I don't volunteer on Thursdays!

8. Mr. Harris has been "sexin" (his word, not mines) Ms. Roberts and Ms. Lee for 10 years, they just found out about each other... Did I mention that they are cousins? Stay tuned!!!

9. Ms. Lee is 72 years old and thinks she is pregnant.. Oh boy... this story gets better by the minute...

10. Mrs. Clemons told Mr. Clemons and my supervisor that I stole her apple sauce 2 days in a row! SNITCHES GET STITCHES- That's sure some good applesauce!

11. Mr. Jones as seen on the attached picture has aluminum foil under his hat because he believes the Government has been reading his mind since 1972... when I took this picture with my camera phone I forgot to turn off the flash and he went into a fit... made us close all of the windows and blinds in the room, cause he said Bush was hiding in the trees... BTW Mr. Jones is best friends with Mr. Fields- Obama's father!!! lol

12. Am I the only Volunteer? They got me as the Gardener, Psychologist, Aerobics Instructor, Hair Stylist to the Stars, Maintenance, Personal chef, and P.R. ( Why am I writing the news letters?)!!!

13. Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional... I pray I don't end up like some of these people!!!

Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. ~Mark Twain



1. Don't tell anyone this but I am terribly afraid of escalators that go down! Got my Filas stuck in one when I was 5 and I haven't been the same since! Had to wear Velcro L.A. Gears until I was 9! :)

2. 2.75- Delta just made it easier to Haze- I mean to REJECT!!!

3. Can you believe nothing crazy happened at my Dental Job this weekend? Oh wait some guy did call the cops on us because we refused to cement in his bridge because of his past due account!!! He told the police, we stole his teeth!!!

4. Black People At Best Buy Are Droppin Like Flies... Its bad when I have to prove to management that I still work there! The 3 of us that are left are taking bets on who is the next to go!

5. A Man Is As Faithful As His Options...

6. Would you rather take the short way home but sit in traffic for an hour or would you rather drive the long way for an hour and avoid all traffic?

7. Why does my hair dresser keep giving me side burns? I never come in wit side burns! And if she curls my widows peak one more time...

8. My LS Stephanie was at Fat Tuesdays for a going away bash and this one guy started buying her drinks-
Stephanie: He was cool but he was crossed eyed, somebody told me he was popular!
Me: What was his name?
Stephanie: DJ touch tone
Me: You mean DJ Touch Tone The Worlds number #1 Blind DJ? SHE is slow yall!!!

9. I am conflicted in my Heart... Is it still not acceptable to like R.Kelly's music?

10. Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

11. Jealously Is A Wasted Emotion...

12. Heard of having ur assets froze?... Well I put all of my credit cards in a cup filled it wit water and put the cup in the freezer! FROZEN not BALLIN!!!

13. Oh New York... the ALLURE of the GAME keeps Calling My Name...

"I Get So Weak in the Knees, I Can Hardly Speak..."



1. I wanna know what Good Love Feels Like... Good Love!!!

2. Timmy is getting more play then he deserves... Things that make you go Ummmm!!!

3. We were working on a Dental patient for like 2 hrs when she asked to go to the bathroom... well like 15mins went by and she hadn't come back, so my boss asked me to go to the bathroom and check on her. When I went to the bathroom she wasn't there, so we called her on her cell phone and asked her where was she? Don't you know this JAWN went home to use the restroom she said- for what she had to do, she had to be in the comfort of her own home!!! This job never ceases to amaze me!!!

4. When is Facebook gonna get face Recognition so I can STOP having to TAG these pictures myself???

5. Why did my cousin rob a bank and only got away with $178, but the fool left his ID behind and the bank took the money out of her savings account!!! lol

6. Have you ever driven somewhere and don't recall the actual drive?

7. So my sister's father has this bike that he is always on, One day he was riding his bike and was going to fast and couldn't stop and got thrown from the bike over the handle bars. Why did two guys come over- asked him was he okay and then road off with his bike? Hahaha... I can't stop laughing!!! He is currently interviewing every crackhead in the neighborhood hoping to get his bike back!!!

8. Think and speak highly of your enemies...You created them...

9. Don't you hate it when you are telling someone a story and they continue to interject by telling you about something similar that happened to them? Well is it my fault I have a lot of Life Experiences!?!? lol I am currently working to improve in this area of my life!!!

10. Why is my teacher afraid of the rain? The first time she heard lightening in the classroom, she screamed and jumped under the desk and dismissed class!!! I hope it rains all semester!

11. Why did someone leave their underwear in the bathroom stall in Best Buy... see attachment!!! JUST PURE NASTY!!!

12. Would you eat at a McDonald's that didn't have a Golden Arc outside? That seems a lil suspect to me!!!

13. If You Wanna Know If He LOVES You So -It's In His Kiss...That's where it is!!!

"A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own self hood, it can never fulfill itself."



1. WOW... 40 episodes of my life and still no weekly sitcom... what am I doing wrong???

2. Boy you should know that, I've got you on my mind, Your secret admirer, I've been watching you... (BTW... I can't sing and I am not a stalker ;)...)

3. A Patient comes in our office and asked if she can put a crown on LAYAWAY... Why did she have to be Black?!!!

4. Is the toe ring making a come back? Gotta get me one of those!!!

5. Im at the light one day after work and this woman in the car besides me rolls down her window and says "Hey Cutie can I get your number", I was like "Umm no thanks, I don't roll like that" and she on the drop of a dime- slid off her wig and he- in the deepest voice I have ever heard said "Well just tell me how you roll and I can roll your way, Its your world Baby and I just want to live in it"... EWWWW... (why was that light so long)... I went down a one way street in the wrong way just to get away from that Shim!!! BEWARE OF TRANSEYS ON THE LOOSE!!!

6. Last week my status was "Im in a Relationship with God, and No Man has ever treated me so well" so my LB decides that his status should say "I'm in a relationship with my hands, and they never made me feel this good"

7. So my Dean runs out of Gas on I-95 on our way to the Wedding, less than a mile away from the gas station, trying to make it to Delaware where the gas was $3.97...!!! Good one Dean!!! It was only 108 degrees outside, lol (I laugh because I love you... I wont bring it up again cause I fear you) lol

8. I was making dinner and had just fixed myself a plate when I tripped over a extension cord in my house and fell on my side... I didn't spill a drop of my plate!!! GOOD STUFF!!!

9. Why is the MLK Blvd or Ave- Always in the worst part of town in every city or state???

10. Im at the hair salon on Friday and there is this woman in a wheel chair who has no legs, without an warning she jumps (flew) out of the chair and does the pee pee walk to the bathroom. It seriously was like nothing I had ever seen before, not to be funny but she was efficient!!!

11. Using my GPS system the other day and it basically told me to drive into a wall... then got mad when I decided to go another way... Technology will eventually be our Downfall!!!

12. Love, Live Life, Proceed, Progress...

13. I don't think that LOVE is a FEELING... Its an ABILITY... And I have unexplored TALENTS!!!

"The best things in life are un-seen that's why we close our eyes when we cry, kiss and dream." FP-E



1. 25 HAS NEVER LOOKED BETTER... Shout outs to everyone that wished me a Happy B-day!!!

2. Why is it that the person on the first treadmill in the gym always has the nerve to pass gas while workin it out?... And they know that the fan is carrying everything down wind!!!

3. So we are making a bridge for this man at my job and we started by pulling one of his teeth and then shaving down the other 2 teeth... half way through the procedure this man says to the doctor- "You never told me how much this was gonna cost" So my boss is like "Can we talk about this later, I'm in the middle of something"... so the guy says "No, before you continue I need to know how much its gonna cost me"... So my boss tells him the cost and the man seriously got up, told my boss he was ripping people off and left out with 2 shorten teeth and one missing :) I love my job!!!

4. The other night it was late and I had people in my house and I decided to get something out of my car, on the way out of the door I did a very routine thing by locking the main door to my apartment building. When I got my ipod out of the car I realized that I had locked myself out of my house... I was banging on the door for 30 mins, no one came outside to even see what was taking me so long... crackheads were coming up to me giving me ideas of how to break into my house (this has me nerves by the way)... It finally came to me that I used my keys to get into my car and that my house keys were also on that ring... I am RED-TARD-DID!!!!

5. Things are never as good as they seem; nor are they ever as dire as you perceive them to be...

6. It hurts my heart to think that my guy best friend of 8 years (thru thick and thin) could just stop calling me and caring about me without a warning or a reason- because of his jawn (mind you I thought me and her (the jawn) was cool)... Guess I was wrong... I am currently letting this situation roll off my back...

7. On my way to work at 7 am one morning and this psycho woman cuts my car off... At the very next light she runs into a deer crossing... God doesn't like ugly!!! I am currently driving like a model citizen!!!

8. I like to work out on the first treadmill in the

9. When I was 4 yrs old I decided to run away from home because my mother was pregnant with my lil brother and I was not down... I didn't make it any farther than around the block because I wasn't allowed to cross the street... Well I'm 25 yrs old now... time for me to cross that street...

10. Sometimes I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can anyone deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It's beyond me.

11. Will I ever meet my S.S. or R.S. in person?... we have to make this happen Ladies!!!

12. One of my patients came in and while we were waiting for the doctor to come in she started talking about how her shoes were hurting her and couldn't wait to get home to take off her shoes... so I look down at her feet and started laughing hysterically because she had her shoes on the wrong foot... How OLD are we that you don't know your right from your left?

13. I am in a Relationship... with God, No Man has ever treated me so well!!!

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but opening your hands to receive something better."



1. Is it possible to Love and Trust Again...? Or will the Next Always End Up Playing for the Mistakes of Another?

2. I am currently struggling with my thoughts both LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY!!!

3. So I just might be in trouble at the Dentist Office, cause I sat up some guys chart wrong and instead of pulling 2 of the guys wisdom teeth we pulled 2 of his 2nd molars. The worst part is that we didn't even tell him we made a mistake... we just scheduled him to come back next week to for a check-up in which we will convince him that he should have his "2nd molars" also removed!!!

4. A Response to my lactating question... "From my nipple suckling experience it is possible to lactate w/o being pregnant and it taste funny 2 but it wasn't that bad... at least I assumed she wasn't pregnant"

5. I went home for a family event and my cousin Nico had on tighter pants then mines... Apparently this is some new trend that I missed... I foresee a rise in male yeast infections!!!

6. So I went out to dinner one night by myself... SO SAD... So I sat at the bar, 15 mins into waiting for my food, in walks this guy I use to like years ago with his girlfriend, and don't you know they sat at the bar right next to me. So at this point I am hysterical because what are the chances? He comes over to me and gives me a hug, introduces me to his girlfriend then says "Who are you here wit?" Now I am really embarrassed, so I did what any self-respecting woman would do... I told him my friend worked there and I was just hanging out! lol I spent the next hour talking to this one waiter trying to act like we were friends. :(

7. Music makes me loose Control...

8. So my LS Sharde gets hit by this real old guy who she apparently cut off on the road, she proceeds to follow this man for miles trying to get him to stop so she can tell him that he hit her, they end up outside his retirement home and she says "Excuse me Sir, but you hit my car", and he says "I know... you shouldn't have cut me off". lol The cops had to come and they gave this man 9 tickets for reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident... they end up in court and the man tells the judge the same thing... "Yeah I intentionally hit her cause I didn't like the way she avoided the traffic and went around"... BEWARE of old farts on the road!!!

9. Why did some guy get arrested for selling his Presidential Vote on Ebay? Glad I didn't think of it first!

10. A woman came in on Thursday with her little girl because apparently the little girls tooth was loose and ready to come out and they decided to go old school and tie a string to the tooth and the door knob... Somehow when they slammed the door closed the 88lb girl flew with her tooth and landed on the floor face first and cracked her 2 permentate upper front teeth. The best part of wearing a mask at work is people can never tell you are laughing at!!!

11. So much for the zoo... some woman got attacked by a monkey this week... Maybe I will have better luck with someone taking me to the aquarium... *hint*

12. What hurts more, the Truth or a Lie?...

13. What you see is what y.o.u. get... And I have never looked Better!!!

"From the Heart... the Mouth Speaks"



1. I wonder what H.E. is thinking about right now? And can H.E. tell when I'm thinking about H.I.M.?

2. Comcast has utterly and completely Disrespected my life, I have been without Internet, cable and phone for 2 weeks now…

3. I had a patient on Friday that was 89 years old and wore an hearing aid… so she says to the Doctor in a really loud voice "I'm going to take my hearing aid out cause last time you got it wet and I couldn't hear for 3 days". So the Doctor starts to work on her meanwhile telling me all about her life and how she was rich, cruel and stubborn. An hour later she says "Doctor, I meant to tell you a half hour ago that I never took out my hearing aid" :o(

4. You know that your business is not doing well if you are still having a GRAND OPENING SALE- 6 months after you opened!!!

5. Its funny how individuals are always quick to offer you advice and never follow it themselves… Barry White said "Practice what you Preach"…

6. I watched a man run out of gas on Lancaster Ave push his car pass the Exxon Gas Station ($4.16 for regular) to the next street over to the Sunoco ($4.09 for regular)… what is this world coming to?

7. I pulled up to my house and my neighbor was outside and whenever she sees me, she wants to talk for hours, so I picked up my phone and pretended to be speaking to someone, so when I passed her I was running my mouth on the phone and she asked could she speak to me for a min, I said to her I'm sorry but I'm on a very important phone call… then don't you know my phone rang- all loud and ignorant!! I have to get rid of the jiggy ringtones! Just an example of how God- don't like ugly!

8. Is it possible to lactate (produce milk) and not be pregnant? Guess we will find out in 9 months! PLEASE this question is not about me…

9. You'll be surprised at how much people don't really think about you so stop worrying about them...

10. If you see a crime being committed how likely are you to report it to the Authorities? Or do you just assume someone else will do it? 2 women were rapped in North Philadelphia last week and the neighbors heard screams but no one called the cops! TRASH!

11. Did you know that people actually have weddings at Barbers Hall the bar on Broad and Oxford? How you gonna hang streamers over the Coors Light signs? My friend went to a wedding there and said they were passing around 10 cent wings through the aisle during the ceremony!!! lol

12. A Conversation with my 3 year old nephew…
Me: Hi Zyrus, How was your day today?
Zyrus: It was quite fine!
Me: Quite- that's a big word you used.
Zyrus: What grade are you in? Should I speak slower?
Me: Take your tail outside and play in the dirt with the other kids. lol

13. Happiness keeps me sweet, H.E. keeps me guessing, Trials keep me Strong, Sorrows Keep me Human, Failures keep me Humble, Success keeps me Glowing, But Only GOD keeps you going…

A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination, prepared to be herself and only herself.



I pray for you more than I pray for myself... And I pray for myself a!!! Don't Judge Me!

1. I left my car window down on Tuesday night, so on Wednesday morning when I was getting on I-676 i started to hear some noise, out of no where a squirrel jumped into my front seat from the back, If you know me, you know I am terrified of squirrels. I jumped 2 lanes to the shoulder, almost killed grandma in the Chrystal 300, then I ran around my car like a mad woman for 3 minutes until the beast left :(

2. 27 Dress, here I come... CONGRATS to my ls Stephanie on her Engagement to Jordan this past weekend! :)

3. I went to McDonald's and ordered a Grilled Chicken Combo, the Drive Thur woman asked me "Do you wanted a medium or large?" and I said a medium and she said "We don't have any medium cups or fry baskets" (why the heck did she ask me then?), so I took the large, then I said how much are your apple pies, she says "2 for $1". So I say can I get a apple pie too, so when I got my bag, I only had one apple pie, so I asked her what happened to the other apple pie and she said "Well you only asked for A apple pie"... is she kidding me, if that was the case then why did she still charge me the whole dollar... that jawn just wanted to keep my pie for herself... UH UH MR. JACKSON!!!!

4. Haven't played with my WII in months... I am a recovering WII Head!

5. We had a patient come in 2 weeks ago and said that she accidentally swallowed their crown tooth, my Boss told her it would cost her about $2,000 to make another one, So she said that it was no way she was paying for that tooth again, my boss said okay and handed her a clear plastic bag. She came in on Saturday morning with her old tooth in this plastic bag, apparently it took 12 days for it to come out the other way and only 5 mins for us to glue it back in her mouth! That's so Nasty!!!

6. No fear. No shame. No compromise.

7. I had a customer at Best Buy yesterday pull $80 out between her boobs and hand it too me, it looked all moist and soiled... LOL... I told them I didn't have cash and made them go to my co-worker! I wanted to tell her that they make wallets for women now!!!

8. I have been waiting for weeks to get stimaflied from stimulus check... don't you know the government den took my money cause they say I owed Federal? How dare them? I hope this makes us even!!!

9. Only White people can make a movie about a girl having three possible baby daddy's and it be socially accepted... Momma Mia coming to a theatre near you...

10. OBAMA gives me goose bumps...

11. Why do people think that just because you brought a service plan on an item that it also covers theft? Hello... we can't fix it if you don't have it! DUH!

12. Whats a girl gotta do to get someone to take her to the Philadelphia Zoo?


"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies... Charm is deceitful and beauty fades, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." ~Proverbs 31



"IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" John 1:1

1. ... Moral of the story is nothing is worst than a talker that doesn't say a thang!

2. My Karma got hit by his Dogma... This jerk rear-ended me and my brand new car, I had to slam on breaks to avoid hitting the car in front of me, which caused his car to go under mines :( The Devil is Alive and he must be Destroyed!!!

3. So the guy who hit me was Mexican, didn't speak English, had the nerve to put me on the phone with his Cousin who didn't speak English either (some how we communicated speaking French- I AM ESL). The car wasn't either his, it was his brother-in-law's car, Apparently Juan had crashed his own car the day before and on top of all of that- Juan didn't even had a valid driver's license. JUAN probably isn't even his real name!

4. So I was running late for work on Tuesday and mistakenly cut some guy off, well his 7:00 am road rage was serious cause he sped up beside me, gave me the finger, I told him that he needed Jesus and then sped off... Well won't you know that my 8:00 am patient was this same man... the look on his face was priceless :)

5. Why is it when ever you tell a black person that you were in a accident- the first thing that comes to their mind is How can you/them make money off of this unfortunate event. My back does hurt tho... ;o)

6. With the High price of gas... Did you know that people are stopping on the highway and calling AAA just so they can get a free Gallon of I signed up for AAA TODAY!!!

7. So why did "Juan" try to tell the cops that I backed up into his the cops laughed and then arrested Juan for a false statement, driving without a drivers license, warrants and tickets on the car!!! My Karma- his Dogma!!!!

8. Why do white women lose their upper lips after the age of 40?

9. One is too many... AND a Thousand never becomes enough...

10. On Thursday, we had this patient ask several times during his procedure to use the bathroom, at least 3 times we had to stop everything to let this 60+ year old man go to the restroom. The 3rd time my boss got mad and told him that this was his last time so make it good. So of' course the man went on his self in the chair while we were finishing him up. So he tells my boss... "I made it real Good this time" BTW I don't get paid enough to clean that up!

11. Why did I go to get my nails done and the price had went from $12 to $17? So they had the nerve to have a sign up that said "Due to the overwhelming inflation of Gas, the price of nail service has gone up" OMGosh... you have to be kidding me :(

12. I might have some pain medicine left over for my back- Its the Good Stuff... I am taking the Best Offer... lol

13. The truly wise learn to read between the lines of words unspoken... And I'm not saying a thang!!!

"Its not the Devil that breaks your Heart, but the Devil that makes you believe it will always be broken- the Devil is a liar" ME



1. Does SLOW and STEADY really win the RACE...? Will this question ever have an answer for me?

2. I have had a bad week... Please be patient... Im praying as if its all up to God and working as if its all up to me...

3. Please watch your wigs and hair piece when you come to the Dentist... One of our patients got his hair stuck to the Velcro on the head rest and after his visit he didnt realize it was missing... the worst part is his "ladyfriend" came to pick him up and she didn't know that he wore a hair piece... I was embarrassed for him!!!

4. Did you know that you can text Google (466453) a name or word and it will send you a location and phone number or a definition?

5. My best friend calls me because she started dating someone 2 weeks ago and doesn't know his name! The worst part is that ever time he talks to her he says her what would you do?

6. Who told Lil Mama to come back for another season of America's Best Dance Crew?

7. So a patient comes and in and wants one of his wisdom teeth pulled and my boss says what is this bump on your lip? And the patient says "I don't know but can you pull my wisdom?" and My boss says... "I could- but not until you get that Herpe off your lip?" I started cracking up laughing,,, I had to excuse myself...

8. So they are doing construction at my job and the handicap ramp is boxed off, so some idiot built this makeshift ramp on the other side of the building, why when i pulled up at work this woman in a wheelchair was using her feet to help move her up the ramp and because of the incline she was rolling right back (btw i had to practically carry her to the top of the ramp and then roll her chair up)!

9. I hate being the cut off person, that doesn't make the light, especially when the person in front of you was driving so slow and braking with no one in front of them but somehow they make it through... :(

10. What ever happened to Video Music Box?

11. "Blessed are they that Mourn: for they shall be comforted" ~ Matthew 5:4

12. When I pass I don't want anyone to speak on my behalf... A picture Says A Thousand Words and I have penty... Please honor my wishes and just Let the Film Play!!!!

13. Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting that they won't...

" Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two."



1. Stuck in a Hospital, Sittin on a stool, Doctor gettin on my nerves.... Im going out of my mind, I thought the patient was fine, DON"T KNOW IF HER TEETH are HERS!!!

2. I can't stand it when girls walk around with flip flops and their feet are blacker than the street pavement- Boo Boo maybe Old Navy 2 for $5 is not for you!

3. My boss walked in on me attempting my hand at cleaning my own teeth... my back was to him, so he asked me "what are you doing? I jump when I heard his voice... a sure sign that I was guilty-so I turned around and said "I should probably bring the next patient in..." hahaha... Whats wrong with me?

4. I got off of work the other day, unlocked my car door and got in- then I started getting frustrated cause my car won't start. So I started looking around my car and noticed that alot of my stuff was missing... It took me 3 minutes to realize that wasn't my car... I was so embarrassed as I creep out of this unknown car across the parking lot to my car. I hope no one was watching me!!!

5. My paper tags expired yesterday on my new car... pray that I make it to Maryland on Wednesday... hahaha! No Im really Serious!

6. I'm at the laundromat on the 4th of July and this woman was next to me washing her clothes... my mind was blown as she began to LITERALLY take the clothes off of her back and place them in the washer. What is even more Crazier is that she only had a long t-shirt on and had to nerve to be the Top Chef-working the BBQ grill!!! Oh Yes the laundromat had a cookout too. On another note that HOTDOUG was so Good!!!

7. Something is

8. So I'm sitting chair side with a patient waiting for the doctor to come in when the patient gets up and starts putting medical equipment in her purse... she was taking cotton balls, instruments, needles... I swear I just sat there for a minute with my mouth wide open... So as she starts to go through the cabinets I say "Can I help you with something?" and she was like "Nope, I'm just fine"... so I leave the room and tell the doctor that we have a patient stealing things and he says "Oh that's just Ruth, she is a diagnosed kleptomaniac- don't worry we just search her on the way out of the door"!!! lol

9. You should probably clean your ears too when you go to the Dentist... personal hygiene is oh so important!!!

10. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30.5

11. Its like Moving Mountains... Usher- Here I Stand- Press Play!!!

12. I daydream all day at work... half the time I can't even remember what procedure we are doing to the patient... So when did you want me to schedule you for an appointment in my personal office? :)

13. Sometimes we have walls up, not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to knock them down...
Don't Judge Me

" I done had money/ I done been talked about something awful/ Done been lied on by so many folks/ I done even been depressed at times/ and didn't wanna cry cause my pride was too strong/ But over the years I thought it over/ And after struggling for so long and still holding on/ I figured, can't be nothing all that wrong with crying/ If anybody says that they're that strong they're lying/ See crying is like taking your soul to the Laundromat..." ~ Lyfe



So I started this new JOB as a Dentist Assistant, while going to school as a Dental Hygientist... (STILL DONT KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP) LOL

1. What do you think is the first thing I did my first day on the job... see attachment...hahaha

2. How did I manage to pick the one job without Internet access... give me 6 months, I am slowing bring in parts from my desktop and I should be up and running by November!!! I started with the mouse today!

3. My first client came in with one tooth? What in the world has she been doing with her life? When I say miracles are possible, I don't lie- cause this jawn came in with 1 tooth and left with 32!!!

4. The one thing you dont want to hear when you come to the dentist is the word Oops! So the Doctor handed me the patients cap tooth and told me to wash it off... my clumsy behind not only drops the tooth but I step on it ;( I cracked the freakin man's cap and it took us an extra hour trying to make him a new one! Ladies and Gentleman... I still have a Job!!!

5. This husband and wife walks in and the guy tells my boss that he is in a rush and there is no need to use the Novocain or Gas or any of that stuff cause he doesn't have time... so my boss says to him, you are a very brave man, then he asks "Which tooth is it?" and the Husband said to his wife show him your bad tooth Honey... I think he was really serious!

6. This is just Great... I have to go through another year or two of trying to teach my new boss that my name is not Patricia but Patrice!!! Anywho...Patricia gets paid well and Patrice gets no respect!!!

7. 2ND Day on the Job and I have already caught my co-worker wearing my scrubs... This jawn is breaking some type of female unspoken woman-law!!! BTW... we don't even wear the same size ;(

8. So we had this Senile 78 yr old lady come in and we had to numb both sides of her face to fill a cavity... when we were finished we gave her a mirror and asked her what she taught about her procedure? So she says "Doc this was the best botox experience I have ever had, but I should probably call my Dentist because my tooth is killing me"... lol (I could write a book on this woman alone)

9. Okay so everyone knows that when you are coming to the dentist that you don't eat at least 2 hours before you get to the office and you should at least brush your teeth... while not this lil 16yr old boy who had a chicken cheese steak a half an hour before his appointment and then has a bad reaction to the Novocain and decides to throw up when I tell him to spit... I am so disgusted...

10. I saw a box of false teeth in the lab marked Mr. R. Owens... if this is my old boss' dentist office... then I am NO MORE GOOD... I truly must have sinned in my past life and this would be the ultimate payback... I must investigate... stay tuned!!!

11. I get 2 weeks of paid vacation... do you think I can start to take them next week? I need a how early is too early?

12. Mann I am a RE-TARD... so we had a patient cancel- so I got a lil break... why did I try to start cleaning my own teeth... haha I ended up cutting my hand with the Explorer... Give me 3 weeks and I am going to be practicing out of my spare bedroom... lol... if you know my hustle... then you know I am not even playing... holla at me for a cleaning...$FREE 99!!!!

13. My new boss is strict and makes me laugh at his corny jokes (but he doesn't laugh at mines :( ... my co-worker is sweet but wears my clothes (i don't know where her butt has been? haha)... my boss' wife makes the most greatest-most nastiest- most weirdest sammiches in all of America... and the Patients are the hell crazy... Patricia says this might be a keeper... Patrice says give me 2 years or 2 weeks... Tricey says sooner or later it will be clear what I should do :o)




1. I Like the person I am when I'm with you... But I don't understand her at all...

2. A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS... Car breaks down on a sat... lose my job on a Wednesday... lose another job that Thursday... THE GREENER SIDE... Buy a new car on Friday and today I got rid of my dancing shoes... shout out to y.o.u. :)

3. HERE WE GO AGAIN... I had to call my old boss for a favor to help me get my new car :( when I went to the office to say Thank you, my boss wasn't there but the guy who took my place said to me "You seem very nice, your nothing like how Mr. Owens described you"... then he told me that Mr. Owens was out to lunch with some White Muslim but if Mrs. Owens calls he is out appraising a house...hahahaha... Some things never change (but with the White Muslim tho? she sounds familiar) lol

4. I was at the car dealership getting me new car, when a large motor home was towed in (Who knew Nissian made motor homes?). The front of the vehicle was in dire need of repair and the whole thing generally looked like an extra in "Twister." I asked the manager what had happened. He told me that the driver had set the "cruise control" and then went in the back to make a sammich. lol

5. Did you know that Crackheads were selling their children's SSN's on craigslist for tax purposes??? I was out bidded twice... better luck next year!!!

6. Im at the mall, in the dressing room trying on some clothes... I lose my balance (on their newly waxed floors) while trying on some pants and fall out of the dressing room... some fool screamed and the whole store turned around to look at me... did I mention that I didnt have on a shirt or a bra? The store was nice enough to give me the jeans for free!!!

7. Does pushing the elevator button more than once, really make it come faster???

8. So is it Really speeding if it was all Down Hill? Besides I would never do 95mph on a 55 mph road... this ticket is putting a hole in my wallet!!!

9. Im watching Maury and this woman comes on for the 5th time to test the 13th man to see if he is the father of her baby... comes to find out the baby isn't either hers, her baby was switched at birth... dang The Maury Show can be so deep!!!

10. I took my sister to the Breakfast Club to eat and when the waitress came to take our order my sister ask "Are yall still serving Breakfast?"... hahaha I got the smart genes!!!!

11. My friend's mother called 911 very worried asking the dispatcher if she needs to take her lil son to the emergency room, cause he was eating ants. The dispatcher tells her no... just give the kid some Benadryl and it should be fine and her mother says " My older son has already given him ant killer"... these is why I don't have kids... besides the obvious :)

12. "Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing". ~James 1:4

13. I have some much on my mind... so many feelings in my heart... I only wish I could express them wit just o.n.e THOUGHT...

"The less I get, the more I want..."



SO... my car broke down on I am depressed about how much its gonna cost to get it fixed...
BUT I have a plan... its a good thing im not a Material Girl in a Material World...

1. M-W-F... I can be found selling that NEW blue (red pappy) magic in North Philly!!!

2. T-TH... feel free to fall IN LOVE WIT A STRIPPER...

3. SATURDAY... did you know... I read that a woman could get approximately $10,000 for donating a egg... im gonna get a lot of

4. Ummm I wonder if I could handle lil mini mees running around??? The world is not ready for another me... YET!!!!

5. SUNDAY... I can be found donating blood to the Blue

6. Found a job on craigslist... that was having open interviews... I went to the place at 8 am and found myself sitting with 20 other people, after the crowd started to form in the lobby, someone from the company came over to all of us and said what are yall doin here? We said that we were waiting for an interview with Jennifer Strady... They said no one by that name works here and that they don't advertise their jobs on craigslist... Some IDIOT had put up a fake ad... :(

7. If you believe in God... there is no need to Worry...

8. I have A-tracks for sale... (what is a A-track?... did I spell that right?)

9. I was just trying to make it to Lincoln... What/Who at Lincoln could have been so important???

10. I should charge for my RANDOM THOUGHTS/ QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK... lol

11. Facebook and gmail is my FULL-TIME job!!!





1. My worst being alone with my NON-RANDOM THOUGHTS... Seriously

2. I hate it when people strong-arm the lid to the soda bottle to the point when tears form in your eyes because all you can't get the cap off... I still have a taste for that orange soda!!!

3. Stopped by my old job to pick up my tax papers and their was a sign on the door that said "closed until further notice"... Does this mean I don't have to file this place on my taxes?

4. I got another job... that makes 3 1/2... I don't know what I want to be when I grow up- Again!!!!

5. Can you keep a Secret? When I was a kid my imaginary friends were KrisKross and I was Laurel from Family Matters... shhh!!!

6. I went to Run of the Bridges 2008 in VA for my LS Sharde last Friday- I felt like Ludacris throwing bows on Black Friday at the Wal-mart!!!

7. I have been thinking that an excuse is worse than a lie, for an excuse is a lie, guarded... :(

8. Finally got that lid to the soda off then came back the next day to get more soda and I couldn't get it off again... Am I the one strong-arming the lid?

9. Why do I always get the cart with the rusty wheel in the supermarket?

10. I'm in East Baltimore yesterday and wouldn't you know that Black people didn't waste anytime... I saw 3 lil Black kids running around an illegally-open fire hydrant wit their baving suits on, I mean it was hot but it ain't even summer yet.

11. I finally found myself and I realized that I'm not my type!!! DANG

12. A lady at my job was putting a credit card into her floppy drive (our computers are old) and pulling it out very quickly. When I inquired as to what she was doing, she said she was shopping on the Internet and they kept asking her to insert her credit card number here... I think I am going to fire her today for stupidity but I am gonna say for shopping on the clock!!!

NYC here I come....

"When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet." ~ Proverbs 3:24

Saturday, August 23, 2008



1. I am in Love wit the Jabba WockeeZ!!!

2. I almost fought a Cat the other day... He ran up on my while I was getting out of my car... it was about to be a rap for his life!!!

3. I called my FORMER boss to see if he finished with my tax papers and this jerk pretended like he didn't know me... saying things like "who", "from where", "say ur name again" ... Ummm what would P. Diddy Call this...????

4. At this point I was disgusted, busted and couldn't be *Shy’s voice from Flavor of Love 3*

5. When I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. "We don't have half dozen nuggets," said the girl at the counter. "You don't?" I said. "We only have 6, 9, or 12," was the reply. "So I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order 6?" "That's right." So I shook my head and ordered 6 McNuggets! lol

6. Who still eats peeps and when did candy corn become Easter candy?

7.The other day I see this distraught young lady weeping beside her car. So I asked her if she need some help and she told me that she forgot to get the batteries changed in her remote control door unlocker so now she couldn't get into her car. So I was going to call a lock smith for her when I looked at her remote thingy and handing from it were her car keys. You have to be kidding me, so I took the key and manually unlocked the door. lol... this happened to me 2 years ago!!!

8. Got my cell phone bill today :( ... It must have been a typo... a typo... a typo... it must have been a can't be true!!!

9. Went to someones house and they still had Mr & Mrs. Claus in the front window, a lit Christmas tree in the living room with gifts under it and elf's everywhere... so I may a comment of "I see yall are ready for Christmas", & don't you know they seriously said to me "We don't celebrate Christmas"... Im confused!!!

10. Prosperity makes friends... adversity tries them... (are we even friends?)

11. I watched I am Legend... Only Will Smith could have played that role... "I was saving that Bacon"

12. So I teach home fire safety as my new job, I had my mentee lil sister wit me last week and I taught her about home fire safety including demonstrating a fire to her and putting it out with one of our fire extinguishers... don't you know this jawn went to school yesterday and set her notebook on fire in the lunchroom? Now I am in trouble and I have to go to the Principal's office today :( Guess I should have said- don't try this at home, I'm a professional!!!

13. Love makes you do stupid things... why?

"Love is the only thing worth it" ~Patrice

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



1. "I love me some HIM" (a throwback) I bet you think this song is about YOU!!!

2. I am so confused why I am not going to the Heart of the City tour :*(

3. Im at Best Buy last Sunday and I see my former boss... why was he there? Was he looking for me? Is he stalking me now? Well I didn't stay for an answer, I did a triple jump to the last register, a back flip through media, huddles over wireless, pole vaulted over MP3s and shot puttin my tail into home theatre!!!! I wonder if he saw me?

4. Don't you hate it when the car driving in front of you goes so slow that they make it through the light and you don't?

5. So I went to the car wash to get my car and back seats cleaned, I got out of the car while they ran my car through the car wash and when I went to the front to pick up my car it was gone???? *Dumbfounded at this point* so I asked the lil Mexican towel guys but they didnt speak English :( I finally found someone who told me that they ran out of shampoo to do my back seats so this fool used my car to go to RiteAid to get more shampoo!!! Does he know thats GRAND THEFT AUTO!!!!

6. Took that fool 30 minutes to come back wit my car... I screamed, I threw things, I threaten to press charges, then I looked in my car... He cleaned the hell out of my Thank you sir!!! But got my money back, NEVER going there again (6th & Girard)!!!

7. And another thang... How do you say "I know I had change in my cup holder" in Spanish?

8. If one more person in a wheelchair offers to give me a ride I am gonna scream... and saying that you have Central Air does not impress me!!! (His wheelchair was fly... he was riding on 17's)

9. Is there a Fourth of July in England?

10. Im on the train and the guy sitting right next to me was passing gas and loving it... took getting high on your own supply to a new

11. Love is like Quick Sand, The Deeper you fall, The Harder it is to get Out...

12. So I am always ashy... I have dry skin... Yes, I put on lotion....SO please do not try to apply your personal saliva to my skin to see the change in color... *In my Best Katt Williams Voice* "I have had this skin all day and it has been bothered me yet"

13. Im Livin two Different Lifes...

"Peace, Be Still"



1. I get a text message on Wed. from an unknown number saying "what ever happened with you and your Real Estate job?... so I replied who are you? How did you get my number? and How do you know about my job? They responded back saying you don't know me but my friend Sara sends me your random thoughts that you send to her friend, and I am just fiendin to know what happened on Friday?

Outrageous.... BUT Can someone please make sure Sara gets this to her friend? lol... CRAZINESS!!!

2. So my FORMER boss is bipolar... he asked me last Thursday to stay for another 2 weeks because the office desperately needed me and he was gonna pay me double my pay. Friday came around and he started yelling at me saying that I was selfish for wanting to leave the office and that I would never find another employer like him. That's when I went to the computer, deleted all the work I did there for the past 2 years, grabbed my bottle of sanitizer, and told him he was CRAZY...AND WALKED OUT!!!

3. He calls me an hour later to ask if I was coming in on Monday?... Was he SERIOUS? lol

4. I can see clearly now, the Rain is gone, I can see all the Obstacles that come my way!!!! :)

5. I was at the postoffice on Tuesday and this Crackhead was on her boost mobile phone telling the crackhead on the other end that she was at the bank trying to make a withdrawal... I immediately left, anything could have happened when she got to the teller and realized it wasn't a bank!

6. I found out yesterday that Wrestling was fake... my whole childhood seems like a lie now :(

7. Have you ever drivin somewhere and wondered How you got there.... like you know you drove but you don't remember the drive?

8. I wonder if Maury ever thought about having his show backstage because that is where everyone ends up at anyway? I should write him and give him some ideas...

9. I got pulled over by the cops yesterday, so as I slid my seat belt on and dropped my cell phone I was approached by 2 huge undercover cops? One of them came to my door, trying to flirt with me and then says "Hey when and where did you become a Delta? We bruhz from Mu Chapter" ... They must not know that I am from a Kappa loving chapter!!! lol j/k

10. I drove down 16th and Cecil B. Moore this week and it looks like a jail house yard... cause they have weight benches and weights outside in the middle of the day and it looks like everyone is on steroids.

11. I am so confused why they let Lil Mama be on American Best Dance Crew? Who is she? She had one hit! She can't even dance! And why does she wear that hat?

12. Have you ever seen the Grand Canon? Well its located on 18th and Susquehanna, I was almost ejected from my car when I hit that hole!!! And there is a lil boy waiting to snatch up your hubcap!!!

13. Did you ever play the game MASH when you were a kid... I just played and ended up with y.o.u., living in a shack with 2 kids, driving a orange galant... Not how I pictured our future... but hey it works for me!!!!

"To whom much is GIVEN, much is REQUIRED"



1. I have been watching season 1 of the tv show HEROES on dvd... and every morning I wake up thinking that I have the superhero power to stop time (like on my alarm clock)... shhh!!!! I am trusting you with my secret!!!

2. I compromise because I am not use to getting my way... I don't get my way because I compromise! It has to stop somewhere, SOONER OR LATER!

3. So yesterday I set out a jar of peanuts to snack on throughout the day at work... (ima snacker)... so dont you know half way through the day I caught my boss' over sized, boogie hands in my peanut jar?... Did this fool think this was acceptable, doesn't he remember we are beefin? And it was cashews... they are expensive!

4. My boss interviewed 3 people for my position on Thursday... made for a very interesting day!
Candidate #1: Sophia- 26 yrs old, Spanish and doesn't speak good English (but I am, very nice girl but she was chewing gum and popping it the whole interview, my boss was so ticked he handed her a tissue and asked her to discard of the gum! Did I mention she brought her child to the interview and I was forced to babysit? UMMM- NO DEAL!!!

5.Candidate #2: LaTanya- 21 yrs old, White Muslim! Did I mention that my boss hates Muslims? (Most people hate what they don't know anything about) The whole interview he was asking her why she decided to convert and the poor girl was trying to tell him that she was born a Muslim and he was basically calling her a liar. So after she proceeds to educate him on her religion, and he tell her about the responsibilities of the position she says that she doesn't know how to type! Ummm NO DEAL!!!

6. Candidate #3: Danielle, 22 yrs old, African American female, in her sophomore year at Community College, no kids, types 45 wpm- so your asking what is the problem... well 2 minutes into the interview my boss starts sneezing and getting real sick, apparently Danielle has a cat and my boss is deadly allergic to cats and the jawn is missing one of her front teeth. So he asks her will she be willing to get rid of her tooth? hahahaha... he mention to say cat... I was embarrassed for him!She handled it very well and tells him NO! Then she says isn't there medicine you can take, and he tells her there aren't there other jobs you can take... Ummmm END OF INTERVIEW!!!

7. You never miss a good thing until its gone! And I am half way out the door!!!

8. Have you ever wondered if the light stays on or goes off when the refrigerator door is closed and why dont they put a light in the freezer? Is my fridge out-dated?

9. My boss is currently telling me about how yesterday he dropped a paper behind his desk and thinks he got bit by a mouse.... All I am thinking is... And you still decided to put your hands in my peanut jar?!!!

10. I am having a really bad week... but in typical PATRICE fashion, I have been trying to Please everyone but myself this week... :(

11. Love is Friendship set on FIRE...Ummm!!!

12. So I have a huge apartment to myself... so last night I woke up out my sleep because I thought I heard someone in my place, but I was so sleepy that I decided getting up would not stop a so i laid in my bed like I was invisitible (lol)!!! O you didn't know that was also one of my superhero powers? lol... :)

13. Either Love Me, Or Leave Me Alone...

'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you ..'



1. I woke up today feeling pretty lucky... I even put on my lucky red and white socks, you know- the one with the hole in the big toe!!!

2. Something is special about the date 2/22/08 but I just can't remember what? Ummm this is gonna bother me all day!

3. My boss blacked on me on Thursday so I put in my 2 weeks, then he decided to not pay me, So I prayed to God to stop me from wanting to BLOW UP the office the following day ... and wouldn't you know it Snowed on Friday and I didn't have to go to work!!!!! THE LORD IS GOOD!!!

4. So now I am looking on Craigslist for a new job and wouldn't you know, my current job was listed on craigslist? lol... so I made up 10 fake email addresses and I emailed the office requesting an interview!!! I have 3 appointments for Wednesday! HAHAHA!!!

5. If someone caught you off guard then you were never really on guard in the first place... stop... Think About It!!!

6. I have been thinking about my life and the things that make me happy... and I have come to the conclusion that I need to get a pair of the light-up LA GEARs!! They were the back in the day!!!

7. I was asked the other day if I could ask anyone one questions and get a honest reply out of them who would I pick? I picked you, the question was why me?

8. I am sitting in the hair salon last weekend and there was a grown woman under the dyer, sucking her thumb talking about she doesn't know why she can't keep a man?... Ummm Let me mind my business!

9. Im at Fridays the restaurant on City Line Ave last week and random people kept running out on their bills, it wasn't until I had waited for 2 hours to locate my waitress did I understand why people were just walking out!!! I felt like I had been there for 3 months *In my best Katt Williams Voice* "Ms. I just wanna go home"!

10. My boss's wife birthday is tomorrow, I think I am gonna bring her in one of the random gifts he has given me! I wonder if that will upset him? I dont think I am committed to these 2 weeks!

11. Driving home from work last night, and I pull up to this Old Koren Woman who was in her car blasting her music and as she turns to look at me she says "Ya Trick Ya"!!! Hahaha I could not stop laughing!

12. I need a vacation or a bbq hotdoug right now!! Either will do!

13. It's not the load that breaks you down, its how you carry it :)

"You hurt me so bad, but maybe its my fault because I stuck around too long" ~ All aspects of life!!!



1.If you would not be forgotten, As soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worthy reading, or do things worthy writing :)

2. So I keep setting myself up wit these little cat-naps... I set my alarm last night for 15mins... I woke up 4 hours later confused but well-rested. The worst part is that I had nothing to do last night so why didn't I just go to bed?

3. Have you ever notice that when someone is reading out loud, they get REAL quiet when they get to a word that they cant pronounce... now all of a sudden they want to read to themselves. lol

4. My boss had me order 3 dozen roses and a bracelet from Tiffany's for Valentines day....

5. I asked my boss' wife on Friday what did she get for V-Day and she said a dozen roses and some books... I knew that Hoe wasn't getting that Tiffany's bracelet for his wife... and who got the other 2 dozen roses :-( Ima call CHEATERS for her!

6. If you find a path with no obstacle, it probably doesn't lead anywhere... well wit all of my obstacles I must be going somewhere!!!

7. Im at Best Buy on Monday (the windiest day ever) and I was walking to my car, when I heard this grown man in a wheelchair screaming because his car was at the top of the parking lot but the wind had blew him to end the of the parking lot. He was so scared but I was in no position to help him, I barely made it to my car.

8. So I am in the Heart of North Philadelphia, on this block that is nicknamed "the wire" for a reason... I see this school bus pull over in front of this known boarded-up crack-house, I watch the bus driver get out the bus, and slide under the broken front door. This fool comes out 15 minutes later with 2 other fiends lookin like nothing was nothing wrong with his lunch break stop... Im so FED-UP with Philly!

9. I know this elementary school teacher that arm-wrestles her kids for a bucket of chicken... damn shame!!! lol

10. I told my boss a number of times that I am allergic to oranges and coconuts... so why is this fool standing over me piling an orange and drinking a pina colada smoothie? I HATE HIM!!!

11. I am driving pass the PPA (Philadelphia Parking Authority) this weekend and this man was so mad that they towed his van that he decided to protest the PPA by standing outside naked with the words "The PPA sucks -> with the arrow pointing down" on his chest. Yeah, I left as he was being arrested... catch him on Parking Meter Wars!!!

12. Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like... Hope to see you at the ball tomorrow!!!

13. Im Everywhere... U ain't neva there....

"I freed thousands of slaves. I could have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves" ~Harriet Tubman



1. Love yourself enough to set the standard for those who wish to love you in return...

2. I am giving H.I.M. up for lent...

3. Someone called my job yesterday and said she wanted to check on the status of her employment application... now there are only 3 positions at my job (my boss's position, his wife's position and mines)... and 2 of them are permentant! So I did the responsible thing and told her she had the wrong number!!!

4. So I must not understand this lent thing, because I told my friend to tell h.i.m. I said hello yesterday... CAN I START OVER?

5. So a mistress posts an hitman ad on craiglist... I wondering what other services they are offering on craiglist?!?!

6. I watched a cat and a squirell fight yesterday over a slice of pepperoni pizza... who would have known that philly animals would like pork?

7. So my linesister thinks that I waste bottled sodas and juices too much so i had 3 capri suns the other day that I did not completely finish... do you know she milked my capri suns into one bottle and put it in the fridge for me.

8. The block I work on is a one way street, well the one way sign fell down 2 weeks ago and now it has become a two way street... like its acceptable now, people drive and park as though its always been a two-way street... I'm I the only one that thinks that the absence of a sign does not mean you do what you want?

9. Caught my boss lookin at dirty magazines again, he left it in a folder that he wanted me to work on today... I made sure I left it in a place his wife could find it...see the attached picture!

10. Fear knocked on my door... but my faith answered... and wouldn't you know, no one was there!

11. Just a thought... women play with sex to get love, men play with love to get sex...

12. I have never had a good VALENTINE'S DAY... I know its just another day on the calendar like any other... but Im tired of saying maybe next year!!! :(

13. I am lookin for something GREAT in 08, something FINE in 09, but I will take what I can get today... so make a way!!!

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us"