Friday, January 23, 2009



1. *Singing* Your Just Too Good To Be True...

2. Mannnnnn.... I was sleep walking this morning and did my hair in the dark- and when I went to shine the finished product, I realized I sprayed my freakin hair with starch!!! I don't even iron, why was that bottle even out??? Anywho, It still looks Good... Stiff but Good!!!

3. I was so Exhausted and Sleepy yesterday that I slept straight through my Nap!!! lol

4. My crackhead neighbors' doug died last week... So why did I see him walking the darn thang on Wednesday??? Up and down the block he dragged his dead carcus... I'm calling animal control right after I call an insane asylum!!!

5. If You Sneeze And No One Is Around To Hear You, Does God Still Bless You???

6. Broken promises... :(

7.Me- "Excuse Me Miss, Can you tell me what color this dress is?"Cashier- "Silk"When the Heck did Silk become a color???

8. Just Because I Love You And You Love Me Doesn't Mean We Are Suppose To Be Together...

9. I have been looking for a new apartment or house lately... I'm new to this so can you please tell me what Is A Stand Up Shower? You mean to tell me you can't stand up in every shower??? I don't even wanna ask you why the same ad said an indoor toilet!!!

10. Why Did My Brother think it was acceptable to Give My Doug A Bubble Bath???

11. So Mannnnnnnnny people replied back to me and said they use to chew on their Barbie Doll feet too... *Tears* I feel so much better that I share my addiction wit so many wonderful people... What the heck did they make those feet out of... Trust me- They don't make them like they use to ;)

12. So apparently its unacceptable to drop an instrument on the ground in front of a patient and then say "5 Second rule" ... I'm surprise I still have a job!!!

13. Eyes that see clearly now... were once washed by tears...

"I am starting a revolution, whose coming with me?"

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