Friday, January 23, 2009



1. I'm not scared of Lions, Tigers, Or Bears... But...

2. Is it wrong to wear a Thong to Church??? Inquiring minds need to know before Sunday!!!

3. I pull wisdom teeth all day, from the young and the old, males and females- we don't put you to sleep, TRUST Novocain is all you need. So why did my LB- A GROWN MAN, have to be put to sleep to have his wisdom teeth pulled, on top of that he made his mother come all the way from NY to Philly because she said he has never had major surgery before. lol... I know one thing, If Shondel calls me one more time asking me to come help him get Uncle Bens Rice out of his upper socket, I am gonna kill him!!! lol

4. My LS Sharde Has been POKING me on the Facebook for 2yrs Now... Even on her wedding night... she was poking me instead of her husband... lol... I need her to concede and just give up this war, for her own good!!! Sucka!!! lol

5. My Best friend dropped her cat off at my house over a month ago and asked me to catsit for her... I haven't heard from or seen this jawn since then... It would behove her to not come get this Devil In Claws, he has destroyed my dresses, broken glasses and he watches me sleep... (If I show up missing- the Catness got me!!!) Chas I hope your reading this...

6. I think Beauty is an outward gift, which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused...

7. So I was restocking sodas at Best Buy towards the end of the night and I dropped a whole case of Coke sodas, So Apparently I thought it was acceptable to put them in the soda case anyway. How was I suppose to know a customer was gonna pick out one and get soda all over himself??? IT was his own fault cause it was 10:01pm and the store closed at 10:00pm... he shouldn't have even been in the store! (btw... I hate late comers that come in the store 10 mins before we close trying to buy a 50in tv thats in the back of the warehouse- for ur shopping conveniences we re-open at 10am in the morning)!!!

8.So the cat likes to play with fire, Why are all of my candle holders that sit on my floor missing the tea light candles that sit inside of them, and I actually watched him put out one of the lit candles with his paw like it was a game. Did I mention that I hate cats???

9.I got my eyes on the sparrow, though my path is narrow, my angel's are shadows...

10. Why did Mr. Joe, one of the Seniors at the Senior Center I volunteer at, bring in a knife last Wednesday- cause he wanted to cut the teacher of his auto shop class cause according to Mr. Joe the teacher ended the class 20 minutes early and didn't allow him to finish his picture frame.... Medal detectors coming to a Senior Center near you!!! lol

11. What is the one thing you would be willing to give up everything for...??? I know my answer...

12. ...MMMmmmm... Why did one of my Patience's ask me to be friends on Facebook... Why did she even look me up??? This makes me Nervous...

13. Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says,".....THAT'S HER."

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say "I used everything you gave me"

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