Friday, January 23, 2009



1. Have you ever loved someone that you shouldn't have???

2. I tryed out for E-Harmony 1 year ago- took the 3 hour long quiz and all- and til this day they have not found me any matches... What do you suppose that means???

3. Was it acceptable that for Halloween my Boss decided to come to work as DECAY and printed his face Brown???

4. If you answered Yes... Then should I be offended that one of the Patients asked me and the Doctor if we went tricker treating as Twins?... I let that Racist Jawn drown in her own saliva!!!

5. This Is the 3rd time I have been kicked out the McDonalds Play Pin for excessive play! ;(

6. I just realized that I have taken hundreds of x-rays for patients and have forgot to put the led apron over them- SHHHHH I could very well lose my job over this!!!

7. When I was young my cousins would put me in my sleeping bag and throw me down the steps in it... They called it step surfing- My biggest fear now is suffocation! Why are u laughing- I'm having a serious moment wit you...

8. So we have this Crazy Patient named Mrs. Moyer who can't get the concept that we are closed on Wednesdays, apparently Wednesday is the only day she leaves the house! Every time she makes an appointment she asks for Wednesday. So the Doctor made a special arrangement to see her this Wednesday and don't you know she didn't come in! So I called her on Thursday and said what happened to You yesterday, why did You miss ur appointment and she said- "Why would I come on Wednesday- Yall are closed, and I dont leave the house on Wednesdays" Lol CRAZY!!!

9. I wonder who is Gonna Play President Barack Obama in the Blockbuster Movie??? Im trya play one of his daughters!

10. How Annoying Is It When Ur About To Pull Through To The Parking Space In Front Of You And Another Car Pulls In!!!

11. We were working on a Patient on Tuesday and while we weren't looking- He decided to slip off his shoes... His feet were Rotten worst then His Teeth... It was so Bad that the next patient we put in the room asked for a Face Mask!!!

12. I see you in my DREAMS... Now you know why I sleep so MUCH...

13. "Your Just Too Good To Be True... Can't Take My Eyes Off of You..."

"Be yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken"

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