Friday, January 23, 2009



1. Is it me or did it take extremely Long for November 4th to finally Come? Finally the election Emails can stop coming...

2. Waking you to go to work at 630 and driving past voting locations and seeing so many Black people in line to vote was very overwhelming... it brought tears to my eyes and put hope in my heart!!!

3. I get to the polls at 3pm and I'm thinking Great- No Line- but then I have to wait for the Crackhead checking people in to finish her phone call (she actually told me to hold on- if I was buying something I would have walked out)! Then I tell her my name and she tries to have me sign in someone else slot- Florida all over again!!!

4. I go behind the curtain and another Crackhead pulls the curtain back in the middle of voting and hands me a paper with all of the Democratic candidates! Mannnn if I don't know who to Vote for by Now I shouldn't even be here!!! (Side note: Isn't that illegal)!!!

5. After I pressed the VOTE button I really stood their for another minute waiting for bells to ring and party lights to go off saying your vote has been enter- Instead I got darkness...

6. Where were you when Barack Obama was announced the next President of the United States? Where you sleep?, In the Bathroom ;)? Walking the streets of Broad with no destination in sight? At a club on a Tuesday Night? or Knocking on my freakin Door like a Jerk? Im not even mad at yall!!!

7. Went to the Senior Center on Wednesday to Celebrate with the Elderly and couldn't wait to find the Senior that thinks he is Barack Obama's father... he was so Happy- Everyone was gathered in a circle listening to his stories of a Young Barack and how he celebrated with Obama and his family in Chicago the night before. BTW he said that he is selling Inauguration tickets on Ebay for the low!!! lol... this man keeps me in tears rotflmao!!!

8. Had a Patient on Thursday say to me "Congratulations- you should feel proud of yourself- Barack Obama has put "African American" on the map"- Ummm excuse me Sir- what is this the 1800s?

9. They said that Sarah Palin had a concession speech of her owns that she wanted to read, they even have pictures of her holding the speech... the Smartest thang John McCain ever said was- Please just smile and Be Quiet!!!

10. One of my next door neighbors had a sticker on his car bumper that said "McCain & Palin" ... Wednesday Morning he woke up to find his car on the side walk and his bumper on his steps with a X through the McCain sticker and the Words "You should have Barack'd Da Vote"!!! lol where is my camera when I need it!!!

11. Still getting the emails :(

12. We prayed as if it was all up to God but we worked as if it was all up too US!!! We still have some praying to do...

13. I dont think it has truly hit me yet... I know the importance, I know my history and how this Election has changed the World not just the United States... But the thought of what has just happened has not fully been itched in my Brain. But what I do know is, I have a new outlook on life and a new pep in my step! President Barack Obama- Now I am Patrice Whiting and I approve this message!!!

"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, an it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him knocketh it shall be opened." ~ Matthew 7:7-8

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