Friday, January 23, 2009



1. When my favorite quote is "Are you gonna eat that?... Its A Recession"...

2. When I go to a dinner party at a friends house and the next day the host of that party calls me and asks if I took their peanut butter and jelly? "Sure Did... Its A Recession"...

3. When a Patient rather save $15 by getting a silver filing on his 2 front teeth instead of a white filing!

4. When I'm in NJ and I see gas for $2.53 so I empty out all of the half drunk water bottles in my car and ask the attendant to fill'em up!!!... Did He really want me to tip him?

5. H.E. Is Alive... And Well...

6. A chicken nugget from McDonald's fell on the floor of my car and rolled under my seat, I first cried (it was a bad day, nothing was going right) then, I pulled the car over and searched for the nugget... and even found some fries!!! 3 minute rule- Right? Don't Judge Me!!!

7. When I put the cat's water bowl outside so that it can get filled up when it rains!!!... I don't even pay for water!! Lol- I just don't like this freakin Cat!

8. When I'm using the little Dixie cups from my job to drink out of at my house!!! I'm having a house party soon so- BYOPC (Bring Your Own Plastic Cup) lol

9. Had a dream that me and my linesisters robbed a bank- SET IT OFF style (minus Sharde- even in my dreams she would get us caught up) lol! But I actually woke up and was lookin under my pillow for the money!

10. My Landlord called me and left a message saying he was gonna come do an inspection of the smoke detectors in my apartment! That night I realized that I don't even have any smoke detctors, So what did he inspect?! And my hotdougs were gone!!! Things that make u go Mmmmmmmmm....

11. I offered my 7 year old cousins, $0.25 to the winner of the Quick Game... Fatman looked at me and said "What do you think this is? Don't come to me wit less than $5".

12. I'm clockin my toilet paper- Eat ur Mommy's toilet paper NOT mines!!!

13. I went into Rite Aid and saw that they had Top Ramen on sale 15 for $0.96!!! I dropped to my knees to give God all the Glory!

14. Currently Robbing Peter to Pay Paul!

15. I continue to work at a job I hate... Cause that's what u do at the BB-Q!!!

16. When u have to get just one too many wears out of them jeans before you wash them... Don't act like you don't do it!!!

17. A man fell asleep at my register well buying the Wii Fit! When I woke him up, He Said "Thank you calling Comcast, this is Jeff Speaking"... This man is over worked- meanwhile comcast interrupts my service every other day!

18. I bring my own bags to Ikea cause I refuse to pay $0.05 for a bag!

19. When I think about Christmas being around the corner, I want to become Muslim!!!

20. Eight Is Enough... Obama 08... "Its A Recession"

1 comment:

ComcastCares1 said...

You are too funny! Thanks for sharing this entertaining post.

You also mentioned that your service is interrupted every other day. I work for Comcast and I can look into that for you.


Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations