Friday, January 23, 2009



1. Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often...

2. You Will Not Make A Punkin Pie Out Of That Left Over Punkin From Halloween... Im only eating this cause Im hungry!!!

3. The makers of Glade ware are Genius... cause only they can make plastic plates that when u put one on top of the other- it snaps down and turns into a lid!

4. So my family has a tradition of going around the table and everyone saying what they were Grateful for! Mind you dinner was schedule for 4pm- we didn't say Grace until 8pm! So is it wrong that I said I was Grateful for the meatballs that were put out around 6pm?

5. Can Someone Please tell Me who is this Elderly Jawn (Only calling you Jawn cause I don't know ur name- In my Katt Williams voice) sitting next to me? And how did I get volunteered to take you home? Lol

6. Where was the A.P.P.L.E Pie?

7. May your stuffing be tastyMay your turkey plump,May your potatoes and gravyHave nary a lump.May your yams be deliciousAnd your pies take the prize,And may your Thanksgiving dinnerStay off your thighs!

8. Ms. Joyne a senior from the senior center I volunteer at told me she waited outside in the cold for 6 hours waiting for Circuit City to open up at 5am- No one told this poor old lady that location closed due to Bankrupty!

9. A 35 year old man really got killed on Black Friday when the doors opened... And Best Buy really wanted me to come in at 3:30 am.

10. Its Black Friday and I'm waiting in the line at Wal-mart (Not in NY) at 5am and there is a woman in front of me with her 4 or 5yr old son in the cart sleep! I tell you this- when the doors opened this woman shall that having a cart was a weakness to getting into the doors, so she push the cart out of her way and ran in the store! I wonder what ever happened to that lil boy?

11. I went on a trip with the Seniors from the Senior Citizen Center to feed the homeless and we were surprised at how many of them volunteered to help out! Don't you know they ate more food then they served! And Mr. Killen had a nerve to come with aluminium foil and took plates of turkey home! They make me sick! Lol

12. Sidenote, one of the volunteers signed up to help feed the homeless only because it was a free ride to West Philly! This (Elderly Jawn) did not even fake the funk- got off the Shuttle, said her goodbyes and walked in the opposite direction of the group!

13. You wanna Know what I am truly Thankful for???? ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!

"Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns."

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