Friday, January 23, 2009



"First Seek to Understand... then to Be Understood"

1. Once upon a time there was a girl that was scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time she fell in love... it never seems to last... Im NOT THAT GIRL... anymore!!!

2. Do you really think I enjoy being ashy??? STOP starring and pointing (Don't you know I can see you?) And please don't talk about me to my face... Just give me some freakin lotion and don't be mad if I use up the whole bottle.

3. I like to give back to the community, I donate my time to the elderly, biweekly monetary donates to the young and underprivileged, prayers for the weak and shut in and the list goes on... But is it too much to ask that you not grab for my hand when I go to drop my spare change in your hand...

4. So I have an event coming up, I went to the mall to buy a dress and there I found my THUNDER THIGHS stuck in a size 8 dress in the dressing room of Macy's and my butt was screaming H-E-L-P M-E... Yall, I was so embarrassed to have to call the dressing room attendant in to butter me out the dress. All this time I didn't know the Darn dress had a invisible zipper on the side...

5. When I was in the 1st grade my teacher called my mother and told her that I didn't know my own name- It was then that I realized my whole life had been a lie, How was I suppose to know that Tricey was just a nickname??? I haven't been the same every since!!!

6. I struggle everyday with having the perfect job, the perfect co-workers and making the right amount of money... But still I feel that I am not living up to my potential- Do I really see myself doing this for the rest of my life??? HECK NO... What is a Girl to do???...

7. If I could choose to meet one person in the world, Dead or Alive... I would pick my father, Don't get me wrong, there is nothing I have to say to him... I just wanna see if he could really look me in my eyes...

8. When I was younger I use to chew on the feet of my barbie dolls and blame it on my brother- Don't Judge Me- I know Im Sick! lol

9. Why is my house so cold? I had to sleep balled up in a blanket on top of my vent last night... lol not even playin!!!

10. I'm at work at Best Buy on my phone in the bathroom for like 20 mins and I thought I was alone until a voice from the last stall yells out to me... "I'm sorry Ms. I was trying to wait until you left but you been on the phone for a while and it doesn't sound like you are gonna be leaving anytime soon- so forgive me but this is gonna get NASTY"!!! Whats worst is when the person came out the bathroom I realized it was my Co-worker from Customer Service!!! Nasty was right!!!

11. The Wii fit has absolutely played my life... It told me that I was a 78 yr old, overweight midget with no rhythm and why does it make that noise every time I step on it like I'm hurtin the pad???

12. January 20, 2009... CHANGE HAS COME!!! I was so overwhelmed yesterday and filled with Hope and Tears of joy but I wasn't truly inspired until I was watching the news that afternoon and they were talking to people from all over the world who had come to witness this historical moment and who do I hear talkin but Mr. Fields from the Senior Center telling the world how he is President Obama's father and always knew his son would be President one day... HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHA... I loved it, made my day!!!

13. The biggest lesson I have learned is the Greatest gift one can give is Love, and the Greatest thing about a gift is that once its given, it can never really be taken back, ONLY given AWAY...

"If a person shows you who they are... Believe them"

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