Friday, January 23, 2009



1. *Singing* Your Just Too Good To Be True...

2. Mannnnnn.... I was sleep walking this morning and did my hair in the dark- and when I went to shine the finished product, I realized I sprayed my freakin hair with starch!!! I don't even iron, why was that bottle even out??? Anywho, It still looks Good... Stiff but Good!!!

3. I was so Exhausted and Sleepy yesterday that I slept straight through my Nap!!! lol

4. My crackhead neighbors' doug died last week... So why did I see him walking the darn thang on Wednesday??? Up and down the block he dragged his dead carcus... I'm calling animal control right after I call an insane asylum!!!

5. If You Sneeze And No One Is Around To Hear You, Does God Still Bless You???

6. Broken promises... :(

7.Me- "Excuse Me Miss, Can you tell me what color this dress is?"Cashier- "Silk"When the Heck did Silk become a color???

8. Just Because I Love You And You Love Me Doesn't Mean We Are Suppose To Be Together...

9. I have been looking for a new apartment or house lately... I'm new to this so can you please tell me what Is A Stand Up Shower? You mean to tell me you can't stand up in every shower??? I don't even wanna ask you why the same ad said an indoor toilet!!!

10. Why Did My Brother think it was acceptable to Give My Doug A Bubble Bath???

11. So Mannnnnnnnny people replied back to me and said they use to chew on their Barbie Doll feet too... *Tears* I feel so much better that I share my addiction wit so many wonderful people... What the heck did they make those feet out of... Trust me- They don't make them like they use to ;)

12. So apparently its unacceptable to drop an instrument on the ground in front of a patient and then say "5 Second rule" ... I'm surprise I still have a job!!!

13. Eyes that see clearly now... were once washed by tears...

"I am starting a revolution, whose coming with me?"



"First Seek to Understand... then to Be Understood"

1. Once upon a time there was a girl that was scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time she fell in love... it never seems to last... Im NOT THAT GIRL... anymore!!!

2. Do you really think I enjoy being ashy??? STOP starring and pointing (Don't you know I can see you?) And please don't talk about me to my face... Just give me some freakin lotion and don't be mad if I use up the whole bottle.

3. I like to give back to the community, I donate my time to the elderly, biweekly monetary donates to the young and underprivileged, prayers for the weak and shut in and the list goes on... But is it too much to ask that you not grab for my hand when I go to drop my spare change in your hand...

4. So I have an event coming up, I went to the mall to buy a dress and there I found my THUNDER THIGHS stuck in a size 8 dress in the dressing room of Macy's and my butt was screaming H-E-L-P M-E... Yall, I was so embarrassed to have to call the dressing room attendant in to butter me out the dress. All this time I didn't know the Darn dress had a invisible zipper on the side...

5. When I was in the 1st grade my teacher called my mother and told her that I didn't know my own name- It was then that I realized my whole life had been a lie, How was I suppose to know that Tricey was just a nickname??? I haven't been the same every since!!!

6. I struggle everyday with having the perfect job, the perfect co-workers and making the right amount of money... But still I feel that I am not living up to my potential- Do I really see myself doing this for the rest of my life??? HECK NO... What is a Girl to do???...

7. If I could choose to meet one person in the world, Dead or Alive... I would pick my father, Don't get me wrong, there is nothing I have to say to him... I just wanna see if he could really look me in my eyes...

8. When I was younger I use to chew on the feet of my barbie dolls and blame it on my brother- Don't Judge Me- I know Im Sick! lol

9. Why is my house so cold? I had to sleep balled up in a blanket on top of my vent last night... lol not even playin!!!

10. I'm at work at Best Buy on my phone in the bathroom for like 20 mins and I thought I was alone until a voice from the last stall yells out to me... "I'm sorry Ms. I was trying to wait until you left but you been on the phone for a while and it doesn't sound like you are gonna be leaving anytime soon- so forgive me but this is gonna get NASTY"!!! Whats worst is when the person came out the bathroom I realized it was my Co-worker from Customer Service!!! Nasty was right!!!

11. The Wii fit has absolutely played my life... It told me that I was a 78 yr old, overweight midget with no rhythm and why does it make that noise every time I step on it like I'm hurtin the pad???

12. January 20, 2009... CHANGE HAS COME!!! I was so overwhelmed yesterday and filled with Hope and Tears of joy but I wasn't truly inspired until I was watching the news that afternoon and they were talking to people from all over the world who had come to witness this historical moment and who do I hear talkin but Mr. Fields from the Senior Center telling the world how he is President Obama's father and always knew his son would be President one day... HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHA... I loved it, made my day!!!

13. The biggest lesson I have learned is the Greatest gift one can give is Love, and the Greatest thing about a gift is that once its given, it can never really be taken back, ONLY given AWAY...

"If a person shows you who they are... Believe them"



1. Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often...

2. You Will Not Make A Punkin Pie Out Of That Left Over Punkin From Halloween... Im only eating this cause Im hungry!!!

3. The makers of Glade ware are Genius... cause only they can make plastic plates that when u put one on top of the other- it snaps down and turns into a lid!

4. So my family has a tradition of going around the table and everyone saying what they were Grateful for! Mind you dinner was schedule for 4pm- we didn't say Grace until 8pm! So is it wrong that I said I was Grateful for the meatballs that were put out around 6pm?

5. Can Someone Please tell Me who is this Elderly Jawn (Only calling you Jawn cause I don't know ur name- In my Katt Williams voice) sitting next to me? And how did I get volunteered to take you home? Lol

6. Where was the A.P.P.L.E Pie?

7. May your stuffing be tastyMay your turkey plump,May your potatoes and gravyHave nary a lump.May your yams be deliciousAnd your pies take the prize,And may your Thanksgiving dinnerStay off your thighs!

8. Ms. Joyne a senior from the senior center I volunteer at told me she waited outside in the cold for 6 hours waiting for Circuit City to open up at 5am- No one told this poor old lady that location closed due to Bankrupty!

9. A 35 year old man really got killed on Black Friday when the doors opened... And Best Buy really wanted me to come in at 3:30 am.

10. Its Black Friday and I'm waiting in the line at Wal-mart (Not in NY) at 5am and there is a woman in front of me with her 4 or 5yr old son in the cart sleep! I tell you this- when the doors opened this woman shall that having a cart was a weakness to getting into the doors, so she push the cart out of her way and ran in the store! I wonder what ever happened to that lil boy?

11. I went on a trip with the Seniors from the Senior Citizen Center to feed the homeless and we were surprised at how many of them volunteered to help out! Don't you know they ate more food then they served! And Mr. Killen had a nerve to come with aluminium foil and took plates of turkey home! They make me sick! Lol

12. Sidenote, one of the volunteers signed up to help feed the homeless only because it was a free ride to West Philly! This (Elderly Jawn) did not even fake the funk- got off the Shuttle, said her goodbyes and walked in the opposite direction of the group!

13. You wanna Know what I am truly Thankful for???? ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!

"Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns."



1. Have you ever loved someone that you shouldn't have???

2. I tryed out for E-Harmony 1 year ago- took the 3 hour long quiz and all- and til this day they have not found me any matches... What do you suppose that means???

3. Was it acceptable that for Halloween my Boss decided to come to work as DECAY and printed his face Brown???

4. If you answered Yes... Then should I be offended that one of the Patients asked me and the Doctor if we went tricker treating as Twins?... I let that Racist Jawn drown in her own saliva!!!

5. This Is the 3rd time I have been kicked out the McDonalds Play Pin for excessive play! ;(

6. I just realized that I have taken hundreds of x-rays for patients and have forgot to put the led apron over them- SHHHHH I could very well lose my job over this!!!

7. When I was young my cousins would put me in my sleeping bag and throw me down the steps in it... They called it step surfing- My biggest fear now is suffocation! Why are u laughing- I'm having a serious moment wit you...

8. So we have this Crazy Patient named Mrs. Moyer who can't get the concept that we are closed on Wednesdays, apparently Wednesday is the only day she leaves the house! Every time she makes an appointment she asks for Wednesday. So the Doctor made a special arrangement to see her this Wednesday and don't you know she didn't come in! So I called her on Thursday and said what happened to You yesterday, why did You miss ur appointment and she said- "Why would I come on Wednesday- Yall are closed, and I dont leave the house on Wednesdays" Lol CRAZY!!!

9. I wonder who is Gonna Play President Barack Obama in the Blockbuster Movie??? Im trya play one of his daughters!

10. How Annoying Is It When Ur About To Pull Through To The Parking Space In Front Of You And Another Car Pulls In!!!

11. We were working on a Patient on Tuesday and while we weren't looking- He decided to slip off his shoes... His feet were Rotten worst then His Teeth... It was so Bad that the next patient we put in the room asked for a Face Mask!!!

12. I see you in my DREAMS... Now you know why I sleep so MUCH...

13. "Your Just Too Good To Be True... Can't Take My Eyes Off of You..."

"Be yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken"



1. Is it me or did it take extremely Long for November 4th to finally Come? Finally the election Emails can stop coming...

2. Waking you to go to work at 630 and driving past voting locations and seeing so many Black people in line to vote was very overwhelming... it brought tears to my eyes and put hope in my heart!!!

3. I get to the polls at 3pm and I'm thinking Great- No Line- but then I have to wait for the Crackhead checking people in to finish her phone call (she actually told me to hold on- if I was buying something I would have walked out)! Then I tell her my name and she tries to have me sign in someone else slot- Florida all over again!!!

4. I go behind the curtain and another Crackhead pulls the curtain back in the middle of voting and hands me a paper with all of the Democratic candidates! Mannnn if I don't know who to Vote for by Now I shouldn't even be here!!! (Side note: Isn't that illegal)!!!

5. After I pressed the VOTE button I really stood their for another minute waiting for bells to ring and party lights to go off saying your vote has been enter- Instead I got darkness...

6. Where were you when Barack Obama was announced the next President of the United States? Where you sleep?, In the Bathroom ;)? Walking the streets of Broad with no destination in sight? At a club on a Tuesday Night? or Knocking on my freakin Door like a Jerk? Im not even mad at yall!!!

7. Went to the Senior Center on Wednesday to Celebrate with the Elderly and couldn't wait to find the Senior that thinks he is Barack Obama's father... he was so Happy- Everyone was gathered in a circle listening to his stories of a Young Barack and how he celebrated with Obama and his family in Chicago the night before. BTW he said that he is selling Inauguration tickets on Ebay for the low!!! lol... this man keeps me in tears rotflmao!!!

8. Had a Patient on Thursday say to me "Congratulations- you should feel proud of yourself- Barack Obama has put "African American" on the map"- Ummm excuse me Sir- what is this the 1800s?

9. They said that Sarah Palin had a concession speech of her owns that she wanted to read, they even have pictures of her holding the speech... the Smartest thang John McCain ever said was- Please just smile and Be Quiet!!!

10. One of my next door neighbors had a sticker on his car bumper that said "McCain & Palin" ... Wednesday Morning he woke up to find his car on the side walk and his bumper on his steps with a X through the McCain sticker and the Words "You should have Barack'd Da Vote"!!! lol where is my camera when I need it!!!

11. Still getting the emails :(

12. We prayed as if it was all up to God but we worked as if it was all up too US!!! We still have some praying to do...

13. I dont think it has truly hit me yet... I know the importance, I know my history and how this Election has changed the World not just the United States... But the thought of what has just happened has not fully been itched in my Brain. But what I do know is, I have a new outlook on life and a new pep in my step! President Barack Obama- Now I am Patrice Whiting and I approve this message!!!

"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, an it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him knocketh it shall be opened." ~ Matthew 7:7-8



1. When my favorite quote is "Are you gonna eat that?... Its A Recession"...

2. When I go to a dinner party at a friends house and the next day the host of that party calls me and asks if I took their peanut butter and jelly? "Sure Did... Its A Recession"...

3. When a Patient rather save $15 by getting a silver filing on his 2 front teeth instead of a white filing!

4. When I'm in NJ and I see gas for $2.53 so I empty out all of the half drunk water bottles in my car and ask the attendant to fill'em up!!!... Did He really want me to tip him?

5. H.E. Is Alive... And Well...

6. A chicken nugget from McDonald's fell on the floor of my car and rolled under my seat, I first cried (it was a bad day, nothing was going right) then, I pulled the car over and searched for the nugget... and even found some fries!!! 3 minute rule- Right? Don't Judge Me!!!

7. When I put the cat's water bowl outside so that it can get filled up when it rains!!!... I don't even pay for water!! Lol- I just don't like this freakin Cat!

8. When I'm using the little Dixie cups from my job to drink out of at my house!!! I'm having a house party soon so- BYOPC (Bring Your Own Plastic Cup) lol

9. Had a dream that me and my linesisters robbed a bank- SET IT OFF style (minus Sharde- even in my dreams she would get us caught up) lol! But I actually woke up and was lookin under my pillow for the money!

10. My Landlord called me and left a message saying he was gonna come do an inspection of the smoke detectors in my apartment! That night I realized that I don't even have any smoke detctors, So what did he inspect?! And my hotdougs were gone!!! Things that make u go Mmmmmmmmm....

11. I offered my 7 year old cousins, $0.25 to the winner of the Quick Game... Fatman looked at me and said "What do you think this is? Don't come to me wit less than $5".

12. I'm clockin my toilet paper- Eat ur Mommy's toilet paper NOT mines!!!

13. I went into Rite Aid and saw that they had Top Ramen on sale 15 for $0.96!!! I dropped to my knees to give God all the Glory!

14. Currently Robbing Peter to Pay Paul!

15. I continue to work at a job I hate... Cause that's what u do at the BB-Q!!!

16. When u have to get just one too many wears out of them jeans before you wash them... Don't act like you don't do it!!!

17. A man fell asleep at my register well buying the Wii Fit! When I woke him up, He Said "Thank you calling Comcast, this is Jeff Speaking"... This man is over worked- meanwhile comcast interrupts my service every other day!

18. I bring my own bags to Ikea cause I refuse to pay $0.05 for a bag!

19. When I think about Christmas being around the corner, I want to become Muslim!!!

20. Eight Is Enough... Obama 08... "Its A Recession"



1. I'm not scared of Lions, Tigers, Or Bears... But...

2. Is it wrong to wear a Thong to Church??? Inquiring minds need to know before Sunday!!!

3. I pull wisdom teeth all day, from the young and the old, males and females- we don't put you to sleep, TRUST Novocain is all you need. So why did my LB- A GROWN MAN, have to be put to sleep to have his wisdom teeth pulled, on top of that he made his mother come all the way from NY to Philly because she said he has never had major surgery before. lol... I know one thing, If Shondel calls me one more time asking me to come help him get Uncle Bens Rice out of his upper socket, I am gonna kill him!!! lol

4. My LS Sharde Has been POKING me on the Facebook for 2yrs Now... Even on her wedding night... she was poking me instead of her husband... lol... I need her to concede and just give up this war, for her own good!!! Sucka!!! lol

5. My Best friend dropped her cat off at my house over a month ago and asked me to catsit for her... I haven't heard from or seen this jawn since then... It would behove her to not come get this Devil In Claws, he has destroyed my dresses, broken glasses and he watches me sleep... (If I show up missing- the Catness got me!!!) Chas I hope your reading this...

6. I think Beauty is an outward gift, which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused...

7. So I was restocking sodas at Best Buy towards the end of the night and I dropped a whole case of Coke sodas, So Apparently I thought it was acceptable to put them in the soda case anyway. How was I suppose to know a customer was gonna pick out one and get soda all over himself??? IT was his own fault cause it was 10:01pm and the store closed at 10:00pm... he shouldn't have even been in the store! (btw... I hate late comers that come in the store 10 mins before we close trying to buy a 50in tv thats in the back of the warehouse- for ur shopping conveniences we re-open at 10am in the morning)!!!

8.So the cat likes to play with fire, Why are all of my candle holders that sit on my floor missing the tea light candles that sit inside of them, and I actually watched him put out one of the lit candles with his paw like it was a game. Did I mention that I hate cats???

9.I got my eyes on the sparrow, though my path is narrow, my angel's are shadows...

10. Why did Mr. Joe, one of the Seniors at the Senior Center I volunteer at, bring in a knife last Wednesday- cause he wanted to cut the teacher of his auto shop class cause according to Mr. Joe the teacher ended the class 20 minutes early and didn't allow him to finish his picture frame.... Medal detectors coming to a Senior Center near you!!! lol

11. What is the one thing you would be willing to give up everything for...??? I know my answer...

12. ...MMMmmmm... Why did one of my Patience's ask me to be friends on Facebook... Why did she even look me up??? This makes me Nervous...

13. Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says,".....THAT'S HER."

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say "I used everything you gave me"