Tuesday, May 13, 2008


1. I think someone is abusing me in my sleep, because I keep waking up with all of these bruises on my body... Am I sleep walking?, are you visiting me in my sleep?... Did that Dog finally catch up to me?

2. When I finish writing my autobiography... I wonder if Kimberly Reese (A Different World) will play me in my lifetime movie?

3. Suppression sucks...
4. Good News~ So my mother is moving, My Aunt just brought a House and My other Aunt (B.S. Pocahontas) also just brought a house all in the same week... Family is doing big things :)... I just hope I still have a place to lay my head in Bmore with all of these changes.

5. So a woman came into the office this morning looking to rent out a property... to make a long story short, she recognized my boss's wife (Mrs. Owens) and they realized that they know each other because they are line sisters (Shaking my head)... It was like they were meeting for the first time... they couldn't even remember each others names or line numbers? Sad day in AKA history... Oh well...

6. I think that one cannot change the past but one can ruin the present by worrying over the future...

7. So I am in the mall minding my own business when this midget approaches me and asks for my number... I politely tell him no because I am not interested in anyone shorter than myself... then he goes crazy on me... He chased me around the Green, Orange and Red Neighborhoods of the Franklin Mills Mall... When He finally caught up with me he had a knife in his hands and started to rip and snatch at my clothes... CRAZY RIGHT!!! Nah... what really happened was after spending all day and all my money in the mall I went to get in the car and my pants split... originally planned to display a picture... BUT I'M GOOD!!!

8. So my neck really hurts from the abuse I have suffered in my sleep... at work I have to spin around in my chair just to look at people...to make matters worst, my boss has caught on so he keeps calling my name on purpose... Hate Him... except on pay day!!!

9. Craziness is Contagious... my boss leaves the office at 10am ever morning to do what... i don't know... so this guy called 3 days in a roll at the same time, and asked about information on a property that we are selling, when I told him for the third day in a roll that no one was available to take his call, he told me that I was WORTHLESS and hung up on me (all because I didn't have the information on the property)... This jerk had the nerve to call back 3 mins late (using a different name/ same voice) and ask if he could leave a message... I told this fool "No... because I'm worthless and I don't know how to write"!!!

10. Currently on Play... My Country Playlist... the only music that helps me think... Reba is killing it right now...

11. I really miss HOME...

12. Pray for me... for I forget to pray for myself...

13. Meeting y.o.u. was fate, becoming your friend was a choice... but... I had no control over!

"I am the Master of M.Y. Fate, I am the Captain of M.Y. Soul"

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