Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Random Thoughts/ Questions of the Week 10/26

1. Young, Black, Educated, Gifted, Sweet, Thoughtful, Blessed!!!... Happy??? (Undecided)... Satisfied???...NEVER!!!

2. Just found out this week what "Superman That Hoe" means... Highly DISGUSTED!!! Just took the funny right out of that song for me...

3. So my Boss' Wife does not respect me... My Boss left work on Monday and told me that I could leave whenever his wife left... and told her to leave whenever she was ready... Do you know this Jawn decided to stay exactly until 4pm... And I sat there like a fool with no work to do...

4. ... So I decided I got something for her... I came in early on Tuesday and reset the clocks in the office and on her computer to be 15 minutes ahead... And I sure did roll out at 3:45 when she tried to pull the same thang on Tuesday!

5. Last weekend I had a ball at my Aunt's Birthday Party in Bmore... The highlight of my weekend involved a QUEEN named Tyrone... He made me laugh until tears started to form some of his quotes were priceless " Honey... She had on a $5 dress with a $3 rebate"... "O thats one of my Queens... I can hear it in his voice (the person at the drive through window at McDonald's)"... "Just because your eyes are closed doesn't mean your asleep"... Everybody needs a "Queen Tyrone" as a friend!!!

6. Have you ever wonder how they get the cheese in Combos?... no really I need to know!!!

7. I gave my best friend- Whose name will remain nameless money to go pick me up a closet from Ikea (I showed him the picture of exactly what I wanted)... mad-excited when I got off of work and saw my brand new closet... I get it home and its not what I asked for~ was he even listening? Was something wrong with his eyes? Seth~ Get your life together!!!!...lol

8. Today Flowers came to the job and Mrs. Owens got mad-excited because Mr. Owens had sent then... But she was mad SALT... when she realized that they were for some other woman that works at the bank that he leaves everyday at 10:30 to go to and doesn't return until noon... This fool put the woman's name on the card but gave the office address as the delivery address... big mistake... Can't wait for him to get back and explain this one... To be Continued...

9. Alicia Keys "A Woman's Worth" ~ Press Play

10. Everyone lets me down one way or another... why would I think you would be any different?

11. I can do bad all by MYSELF...

12. So Wednesday Night... Minding my own business while driving home with a half sleep/half dead/ half malnutritioned cat in my back seat (Another random thought all on its own) and listening to R.I.P. shout-outs on the radio (Ghetto). Some woman called in and said "I would like to say R.I.P. Punkin" then says "hold on" and puts someone else on the phone... " I would like to say R.I.P. Grandma" ~ It was quite Ghetto! In my WILL I will be leaving a P.S. that says no Radio Shout-outs once I am dead and gone!!!

13. I am not a Priority... I am not even an Option... I will be y.o.u.r NOTHING!!!

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