Tuesday, May 13, 2008



1. If you are willing to chase me... I promise you that I will run slow!!!!

2."My Uncle Charlie said you can't fart on a Horses cause you will get worms"... I hate my Tre (Not literary)!!!

3.My boss told me yesterday that he likes my hair... and "I finally got a hair style he can live wit"... I hate him...LITERARY

4.My neighbors upstairs have a lil domestic violence situation every other day... I normally don't say anything because she be beating the h-e-double hockey sticks out of him... So they were fighting last night while I was doing Taboe. The neighbors must have called the cops on them and the DARN police tried to break down my door... They said and I quote "Sounded like someone was getting killed in here"... mind you, I was still in the stretch/warm-up stage :)

5. I came into work this morning and my brand new 12fl oz bottle of hand sanitizer was more than half empty, so I asked my boss what happened and he said he had to use it on his feet because they were burning and it gives him a "cool relaxing feeling"...Is your job hiring!?!?!

6. This woman comes into best buy and all the males start flocking around her, they even call a code 10 on the walkie meaning "Shorty is a 10" (Corny)... so when she comes to my reg. I was like...her body is ok but her face is jacked... when she paid for her purchase with a credit card, I had to check her id to finish her transaction and dont you know "Shorty was a male"... lmao

7. V.A. ~ here I come!!!

8. I went to Papa Johns and the guy was taking so long to make my pizza. I told him to hurry up and he said make it urself... so I went back there and made my own pizza... my dough was a little odd shaped... but I used enough CHEESE :) and pepperoni to be sick in the morning... Note: They reuse dough that falls on the floor... :o(

9. Who killed Souli Boi???... stop think about it... answer is below!!!

10. A VISION without an action is an illusion, an ACTION without a vision is CONFUSION...

11. You think I can be the RIGHT O.N.E.... just not your RIGHT N.O.W... its getting a little old now...

The reason that most people fail is because they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT...




1.Sticks and Stones are hard on bones aimed with angry art, words can sting among all things, but silence breaks the heart...

2. I have finally got that "clapping on beat" down... makes for a better time in CHURCH....It is gonna take years to figure out the double clap... Pray for M.E.!!!

3. I AM SO CONFUSED... How did they not realize Clark Kent was Superman... those glasses were not fooling anyone!!!

4. So my boss is mad at me because I got a 5 day weekend... Mind you, he gave me the days off, now he wants to me stay later to make up in the time missed... He needs to get his life together!!!

5. "My Strenght is made Perfect in Weakness"

6. SO at Thanksgiving dinner there was these two loud mouth guys, eating everything in sight, and cracking corny jokes. My Grandma was talking to them for hours and finally my Uncle asked my Grandma how did she know the guys and she said she just met them... after asking everyone around if they knew the guys we realized that they had CRASHED our Thanksgiving dinner... HOW RUDE!!!!

7. ... Do you know that we let those same two guys stay for dessert.... I have to go back to Philly NOW!!!

8. So Black Friday at Best Buy was crazy... Glad I got to work the late shift... But sad I missed the Narcoleptic old lady who was like 3rd online by 10 pm Thursday and last to enter the store Friday morning, then to top it all off, all the deals she was looking for was at Wal-mart...LOL!!!!

9. I realized this week that it is not that God is not answering my Prayers... It is that the answer is just NO!!!!

10. Difficult takes a day, IMPOSSIBLE takes a WEEK!!!

"If you have never been confused about who you are... then you have not yet grown into who you will be"



1. I woke up in a panic this morning... had a bad dream about you... about me... looked it up in my dream book and it told me that I have anxiety about my future with you... I threw the dream book away...

2. My darn phone locked on me on Sat. and my password wasn't working... I talked to someone at t-mobile who said the only thing I could do was continue to put in the wrong password until it deleted everything in my phone (just my luck every time I tried calling back to get a different answer I got the same person)... so all of my numbers/ pictures were delete... that really hurt my heart :( T-mobile doesn't RESPECT ME!!!

3. So I am watching the Maury show and this woman really named her son Maury... when asked why she named her son after him, she said... "I knew I wasn't gonna be sure who the Child's father was gonna be and I figured Maury would be a good man and help me raise my kid"...!!! That's like naming your kid... ANONYMOUS... :)

4. Noticed a pattern in my boss's wife eating habits... she breaths really REALLY HARD after she eats (like she is gonna pass out)... then she waters the plants... (correlation...??? IDK) lol

5. So my best friend from home is White (God Bless her soul) and she loves the song Duffel bag boy... so I looked at her away message for gmail and it says (I ain't never ran from a "challenge"....) Poor Child can't say the N word...

6. They can make shampoo and conditioner in one, peanut butter and jelly in the same jar... why don't they have a washer machine that also drys?

7. I was late to work yesterday so my boss decided to leave me outside in the rain before he let me in the office... and He wonders why I didn't do any work...

8. I have been so sick all week, times like this I wish I was in Baltimore OR I had someone here to take care of me...

9. Press Play... Everything is everything What is meant to be will be After Winter, must come Spring Change, it comes eventually...

10. I don't know why the heart doesn't do what the mind tells it...?

11. When I was a young kid, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older woman so, I tried to change my family. Now, as an even older woman, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world... I'M A WORK IN PROGRESS...



1. The Significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that we were at when we created them!!!!

2. So after I got frost bite on my pinkie toe... I decide it was time to give up the sandals...

3. So my boss left work early on Monday and told his wife to leave wheneva she was ready and told me to stay with her and walk out with her... so at 4 o'clock she wasnt ready to leave... but she told me to go ahead and leave, i told her I didnt feel comfortable with doing that... but she insisted. So I left... do you know my boss showed up right after I left... so you know I got the "You don't Follow Directions Speech"... what made it worst is his wife told him I was in such a hurry that she just told me to go ahead... TRASH!!! Im giving her the evil eye as I type... 8-( !!!

4. When you were a kid did you ever take the clothes that you really wanted to wear to school in your book bag and then change on the bus/ or in the bathroom because you knew your parent(s) wouldn't approve... well I was on the train and this girl must have been 12 years old with this short skirt, revealing tank top, make-up and heels on changing into jeans a sweater and rubbin the make-up off of her face... I hope her mom finds out what she has been doing... KIDS NOW-A-DAYS are too grown!!!

5. I left my umbrella in the middle of the floor at work and my boss tripped over it and fell into the copier... HE IS PISSED!!! But my thing is... that umbrella is too big to not see it... MY BAD HOMIE!!!

6. So my friend asked her brother where should she go to get her hair twisted and he told her the Flea Market... thats Trash!!!

7. My doug ran away from home on Sunday... I am heart broken... Please say a prayer for his safe return!!! :(

8. At the Jill Scott concert... this older lady was trying to rub on me... for a moment I thought I came with her... (At least someone was trying to grove with me ;) & Jill-A-Jill be bring the freak out in people cause her lyrics are nasty...Didnt know Jill was a freak!!!!

9. Some guy got caught stealing at best buy on Thursday... he had dvds and ipods in his baby stroller but got caught when he tried to put a 13'in flat screen in the same stroller... What worst is that he didnt have a baby in the stroller... just a blanket!!! I am so disappointed at his thought process!!!!

10. Speaking of Babies... Congrats to my BFF on the birth of his baby (I wonder what Seth named him?)!!! lmao

11. I am driving past the McDonald's last night and i had to do a U-turn when I saw people standing in the drive through window... And then they had the nerve to get mad at me for taking pictures of them... (see attachment)

12. Have you ever went to a store and received bad service from someone that just looked like they hated their job... I think thats what my best buy customers were thinking about me on Tuesday night...!!!

13. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only few will leave footprints in your heart...



Random Thoughts/ Questions of the Week 10/26

1. Young, Black, Educated, Gifted, Sweet, Thoughtful, Blessed!!!... Happy??? (Undecided)... Satisfied???...NEVER!!!

2. Just found out this week what "Superman That Hoe" means... Highly DISGUSTED!!! Just took the funny right out of that song for me...

3. So my Boss' Wife does not respect me... My Boss left work on Monday and told me that I could leave whenever his wife left... and told her to leave whenever she was ready... Do you know this Jawn decided to stay exactly until 4pm... And I sat there like a fool with no work to do...

4. ... So I decided I got something for her... I came in early on Tuesday and reset the clocks in the office and on her computer to be 15 minutes ahead... And I sure did roll out at 3:45 when she tried to pull the same thang on Tuesday!

5. Last weekend I had a ball at my Aunt's Birthday Party in Bmore... The highlight of my weekend involved a QUEEN named Tyrone... He made me laugh until tears started to form some of his quotes were priceless " Honey... She had on a $5 dress with a $3 rebate"... "O thats one of my Queens... I can hear it in his voice (the person at the drive through window at McDonald's)"... "Just because your eyes are closed doesn't mean your asleep"... Everybody needs a "Queen Tyrone" as a friend!!!

6. Have you ever wonder how they get the cheese in Combos?... no really I need to know!!!

7. I gave my best friend- Whose name will remain nameless money to go pick me up a closet from Ikea (I showed him the picture of exactly what I wanted)... mad-excited when I got off of work and saw my brand new closet... I get it home and its not what I asked for~ was he even listening? Was something wrong with his eyes? Seth~ Get your life together!!!!...lol

8. Today Flowers came to the job and Mrs. Owens got mad-excited because Mr. Owens had sent then... But she was mad SALT... when she realized that they were for some other woman that works at the bank that he leaves everyday at 10:30 to go to and doesn't return until noon... This fool put the woman's name on the card but gave the office address as the delivery address... big mistake... Can't wait for him to get back and explain this one... To be Continued...

9. Alicia Keys "A Woman's Worth" ~ Press Play

10. Everyone lets me down one way or another... why would I think you would be any different?

11. I can do bad all by MYSELF...

12. So Wednesday Night... Minding my own business while driving home with a half sleep/half dead/ half malnutritioned cat in my back seat (Another random thought all on its own) and listening to R.I.P. shout-outs on the radio (Ghetto). Some woman called in and said "I would like to say R.I.P. Punkin" then says "hold on" and puts someone else on the phone... " I would like to say R.I.P. Grandma" ~ It was quite Ghetto! In my WILL I will be leaving a P.S. that says no Radio Shout-outs once I am dead and gone!!!

13. I am not a Priority... I am not even an Option... I will be y.o.u.r NOTHING!!!


1. I think someone is abusing me in my sleep, because I keep waking up with all of these bruises on my body... Am I sleep walking?, are you visiting me in my sleep?... Did that Dog finally catch up to me?

2. When I finish writing my autobiography... I wonder if Kimberly Reese (A Different World) will play me in my lifetime movie?

3. Suppression sucks...
4. Good News~ So my mother is moving, My Aunt just brought a House and My other Aunt (B.S. Pocahontas) also just brought a house all in the same week... Family is doing big things :)... I just hope I still have a place to lay my head in Bmore with all of these changes.

5. So a woman came into the office this morning looking to rent out a property... to make a long story short, she recognized my boss's wife (Mrs. Owens) and they realized that they know each other because they are line sisters (Shaking my head)... It was like they were meeting for the first time... they couldn't even remember each others names or line numbers? Sad day in AKA history... Oh well...

6. I think that one cannot change the past but one can ruin the present by worrying over the future...

7. So I am in the mall minding my own business when this midget approaches me and asks for my number... I politely tell him no because I am not interested in anyone shorter than myself... then he goes crazy on me... He chased me around the Green, Orange and Red Neighborhoods of the Franklin Mills Mall... When He finally caught up with me he had a knife in his hands and started to rip and snatch at my clothes... CRAZY RIGHT!!! Nah... what really happened was after spending all day and all my money in the mall I went to get in the car and my pants split... originally planned to display a picture... BUT I'M GOOD!!!

8. So my neck really hurts from the abuse I have suffered in my sleep... at work I have to spin around in my chair just to look at people...to make matters worst, my boss has caught on so he keeps calling my name on purpose... Hate Him... except on pay day!!!

9. Craziness is Contagious... my boss leaves the office at 10am ever morning to do what... i don't know... so this guy called 3 days in a roll at the same time, and asked about information on a property that we are selling, when I told him for the third day in a roll that no one was available to take his call, he told me that I was WORTHLESS and hung up on me (all because I didn't have the information on the property)... This jerk had the nerve to call back 3 mins late (using a different name/ same voice) and ask if he could leave a message... I told this fool "No... because I'm worthless and I don't know how to write"!!!

10. Currently on Play... My Country Playlist... the only music that helps me think... Reba is killing it right now...

11. I really miss HOME...

12. Pray for me... for I forget to pray for myself...

13. Meeting y.o.u. was fate, becoming your friend was a choice... but... I had no control over!

"I am the Master of M.Y. Fate, I am the Captain of M.Y. Soul"




2. I think the guy that use to sleep in my best friend's car at night is now breaking in & sleeping in my car because I just cleaned my car on Wednesday and today I found a hat, one glove and a snickers in my back seat... unacceptable to not take your stuff with you in the morning... I HOPE HE IS COLD/HUNGRY TODAY WITHOUT HIS HAT, GLOVE & SNICKERS... you think its safe to eat that snickers?!!!

3. I really like to squeeze the gushie part out of gushers then not eat the rest... How do you eat ur gushers? P.S. I have a lot of gushers w/out the gushie middle if you are interested...lol...

4.Update: New evidence in my boss' affair- So my Boss' mistress has been calling the job all week... this jawn does not leave her name, does not leave a number, and she makes it a point to let me know that she has his cell phone number (so why is she calling the office?). Mrs. Owens is leaving town this week to visit her sister in NC, so my boss had me make reservations for him and his "golf buddy" at some restaurant in A.C. and book a room at a hotel there... not at his normal hotel... talking about he needs a change in scenery...I BET * Slowly losing faith in all men*...

5. So I am thinking that I should follow my boss, put my Killa Cam skillz to use and photograph him in the act... and blackmail him...Maybe then I would be able to afford a $3,500 mortgage... :)
6. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world... (wouldn't that be nice?)
8. I was really having a bad day yesterday and to top it all off, I was starving, so I went to Dunkin Donuts and got a sausage, egg -n- cheese samich, do you know that when I got home, the bag must have ate most of my bread because I refuse to believe that woman sold me a samich without a top piece of bread... there was nothing but a piece of crust as the top piece of the croissant....and the frustration continues...see attachment!!!!

9. I don't have a CD on play right now... although I was listening to Jon B.'s COOL, CALM, RELAX album as I cleaned my house on Wednesday... which leads me to the song stuck in my head...Canton Spirituals' CLEAN UP WHAT YOU MESSED UP... maybe I need to clean up more than my apt!!!

10. Driving home from work on Monday "FRIDAY" and I saw this girl walking down the street walking a purple doug... I lie to you not (see the attachments)... you know I took a picture!!!

11. My boss came into work today with a huge knot on the top of his head... (can't wait until he falls asleep...snap-snap) I think Mrs.Owens is beating him in his sleep (YOU-GO-GIRL)... maybe she put him out and he is the guy sleeping in my car!

12. I can only know what you allow me to know about Y.O.U... LET ME IN!!!




1. Patrice is wondering the same thing...
2. Finally got the HORN fixed on my car!!!! So can I get a TOOT TOOT, Lemme give you that BEEP BEEP!!!
3. My sisters birthday is today, and for the 1st time in 19 years, I actually miss her and want to celebrate with her... O well, I will just send her money!!!

4.You know that the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same... the same goes for feelings...but I am thinking that people don't change, situations do...

5. So I think that my boss is cheating on his wife... He has told her that he has to work late every day this week (we don't do any work during regular business hours- so I know he is not accomplishing anything at 8 pm, and she works here... why can't she tell he is lying)... then he told me a few days ago that if his wife asks if we worked last Friday tell her yes... I don't like the lies...

6. There is so many good movies out or coming out... Sure do want to see The Kingdom!!! *hint*

7. Have you ever found yourself singing a song and realize that you don't know the right words but instead you sing what you think you hear... well I do it more than the average person "Shake your tambourine go and get yourself a Muslim"... lol

8. Sometimes I wonder what life would be if I wasn't such a nice person, if I didn't care so much, if I lived a reckless life style, if my morals and values went out the window... would life be easier to deal with?

9. I got chased by a pit bull on Tuesday when I was showing a house in Upper Darby, so as I am running down the street, my sandal breaks at the thong (I didn't fall like in the movies) and then I realize that this doug is going to eventually catch up to me (thought about breaking out my James Brown)... Instead I ran into this "postal" worker who was use to the dog and had to spray him/her with mace... which didn't stop the dog, he took that mace like a G...lol... his owner eventually caught up with us...

10. J. Holiday's "Back of my Lac" is currently on play... occasionally exchanged with Queen Latifah's "Trav' lin Light" ~ Surprisingly two pretty decent albums!!!

11. When I first started working at my job, my boss bragged about how he was a Que and his wife was a aka, I asked him if his 2 sons were Greek and he told me that one was a kappa and the other was an alpha... I was thinking, dang he has half the divine nine in his household... So I met his son for the first time last week and asked him if he was still involved with the frat... He said they get together once a year! So then I asked him when did he cross KAPsi~ and he told me "I'm not a Kappa, Is my Dad still telling people that... I am apart of Kappa Epsilon and my brother is apart of Alpha Lambda Psi, My Dad has always been ashamed that we joined white frats..."... MY BOSS IS CRAZY... Oh the lies continue...

12. My mother always said that "You have to suffer for a good looking head"... I must've suffered a lot in the past few months!!!! :) lol

13. No longer searching for what I cannot find... too exhausted from looking...
"Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week"