Sunday, July 20, 2008



1. I don't understand why the heart doesn't do what the mind tells it... or is it the other way?

2. SomeO.N.E. told me the other day that they don't text me because they don't have the text messaging feature on their phone anymore... an hour later I texted them and said I had a question... and do you know H.E. replied saying "ok" :( ... YOU AINT HAVE TO LIE C.R.A.I.G.!!! lol

3. My boss had black-eyed-peas and chili for lunch yesterday, his breath still smells like an old Philly bus seat :(

4. I was eating a lot of natural foods the past two weeks until I learned that most people die of natural causes... I need some Mickey D's!!!

5. Why did my boss get a perm on top of his dyed jet black hair and said it was suppose to be a curl activator that went wrong? *Dying of laughter* Why is he tryin to let his SOUL GLOW... over the age of 65?

6. So I was wondering... if Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

7. I'm leaving work, driving down Girard and this fool/crackhead/not in his right state of mind individual jumps on my hood while i was at a stop sign and started screaming that I had hit him :( the worst thing is that I could not stop laughing I thought it was so funny... Some guys waitin at the bus stop pulled him off my car...

8. ... Then the guy at the bus stop asked me if I could give him a lift to Broad since he helped me... Its time for me to get out of Philly!

9. I need a COO-COO reunion!!!

10. I sent my friend in Texas a email... and after two weeks she finally responded and said "sorry about the late reply, there is a time zone difference over here" *I'm making the confused face* Is she serious???

11. All week someone has been at my apartment to play my Nintendo Wii, i have a bunch of Wii heads on my hands who refuse to leave!!!

12. Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctr Alt Delete' and start all over?

13. Silly Rabbit... Tricks are for Kids... :)


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