Sunday, July 20, 2008




1. When customers put their money on the counter... and except you to not do the same with their change.

2. When customers take their own receipt from the register... LET ME DO MY JOB!!!

3. When you come to my register and I didn't call next in line!

4. When customers see a long line and think they are special and don't have to stand in it. (Handicap too...sike I'm not that bad) ;)

5. When customers come to your register and ask where is the checkout *confused look* I tell them in the back of the store!!!

6. When customers breath stinks... we do sell mints/ gum!!!

7. When you can't tell if your customer is a man or woman!

8. When a female sees you ringing up their man and feels the need to come over to see if we are flirtin... jawn I don't want him... he came to my register!!!

9. When customers act like pulling out ID is the end of the world...

10. When parents don't watch their freakin kids... they need those little blue leases...

11. When customers see you in uniform standing in line and go around you... WHY IS IT SO HARD TO BELIEVE I CAN BE A CUSTOMER TOO???

12. When customers don't have their reward zone cards and give you like 10 different numbers for you to look them up in the computer.

13. When customers except you to have a bag for their TV!!!

14. When managers don't want you to have your cell phone out but they walk around on their phones tellin their partner that its their time to walk the dog... lol... TEXT ME!!!

15. When customers talk on the phone and cant multi-function... its cool... I just rung myself up for a soda on you!!!!

16. When people try to steal 3 laptops without a get-a-way strategy!

17. When a customer's card gets DECLINED, and they ask you WHY?... Do you really want me to tell you?

18. When customers swipe their credit cards several times in the wrong way.

19. When my supervisor says "Patrice, can you put away the batteries cause you are good at it"... what does bein good at puttin away batteries mean? How can you be bad at it?

20. When customers come in the store 2 mins before we close and want to get a TV... that is in the warehouse or a laptop that needs to be updated or needs extra features... We promptly open up again tomorrow at 10 am for your shopping needs!!!

21. When security takes their job too seriously... they don't even give you a flash light!!!

22. When $10 bills smell like weed... and $1 bills smell like butt... I know what you do for a So why do I still work at best buy you ask?




1. Would you believe me If I said that "I am happy to report that I think about you less and less everyday"???

2. Why is it that when Black people are cool with someone of another race they make it apart of their name ex. (White Mike, Asian Tim, Puerto Rican Rob) lol

3. My Boss' idea of observing MLK Day is giving me off on Monday but making me work on my day off (Wednesday)... This was not in the King's DREAM!!!

4. Does pushing the elevator button more than once really make it come faster?

5. So I was in Bmore this pass weekend and the gas rate was $2.77 for regular and I was so mad that I had already filled up in Philly... don't you wish you could get a RAIN CHECK on gas???

6. Bill Clinton Sleep at the MLK Service is hilarious... check out the you tube link!

7. I write in CAPS and I like EXCLAMATION points!!!! Only God can Judge M.E.!!!

8. My boss decided to sit at my desk yesterday when I left... I am in this morning, only to find that he had broke my chair and decided to stack 7 phone books on top of each other... Does he seriously think Im gonna sit on this makeshift chair? Im current standing as I type this... :( *the is he serious face w/ the index finger*

9. So we've been having problems with our copier machine, I called the Xerox guy so he could come and fix it. When I called him, he was like "yea, uh I'm on my way but ima bout to stop at Dunkin Donuts. You want anything?"...Lol...So I'm like "Um no thank you. I mean I thought it was kinda weird that he offered to buy me food over the who are you??? But I digress. then tha guy finally gets here, and he fixes the machine. Before leaving he comes to me and says "You look really I know I've seen you somewhere before. But every time I wake up, you disappear"...(crickets.....crickets) EWWWW! I was so angry and he gon say "well ima get ready to go home and go to bed all afternoon...see you later"....OMG. Like, is he serious! ~YT

10. Saw a homeless man shadow boxing the other day... everything seemed as normal as could be expected... until he started to look like he was getting hit back by invisible punches... how do you lose in a fight against yourself???

11. Life is sexually transmitted... Stop... Think About it!!!

12. Have you ever wondered why you gave me your email address???

13. Its BALL SEASON and I need a date... So are you gonna go with m.e. or do I have to ask h.i.m.? CHECK O.N.E.*YES*NO*MAYBE SO

"We go on, because it is the hard thing to do. And we owe ourselves the difficulty" ~ Soror Nikki Giovanni



1. I don't understand why the heart doesn't do what the mind tells it... or is it the other way?

2. SomeO.N.E. told me the other day that they don't text me because they don't have the text messaging feature on their phone anymore... an hour later I texted them and said I had a question... and do you know H.E. replied saying "ok" :( ... YOU AINT HAVE TO LIE C.R.A.I.G.!!! lol

3. My boss had black-eyed-peas and chili for lunch yesterday, his breath still smells like an old Philly bus seat :(

4. I was eating a lot of natural foods the past two weeks until I learned that most people die of natural causes... I need some Mickey D's!!!

5. Why did my boss get a perm on top of his dyed jet black hair and said it was suppose to be a curl activator that went wrong? *Dying of laughter* Why is he tryin to let his SOUL GLOW... over the age of 65?

6. So I was wondering... if Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

7. I'm leaving work, driving down Girard and this fool/crackhead/not in his right state of mind individual jumps on my hood while i was at a stop sign and started screaming that I had hit him :( the worst thing is that I could not stop laughing I thought it was so funny... Some guys waitin at the bus stop pulled him off my car...

8. ... Then the guy at the bus stop asked me if I could give him a lift to Broad since he helped me... Its time for me to get out of Philly!

9. I need a COO-COO reunion!!!

10. I sent my friend in Texas a email... and after two weeks she finally responded and said "sorry about the late reply, there is a time zone difference over here" *I'm making the confused face* Is she serious???

11. All week someone has been at my apartment to play my Nintendo Wii, i have a bunch of Wii heads on my hands who refuse to leave!!!

12. Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctr Alt Delete' and start all over?

13. Silly Rabbit... Tricks are for Kids... :)




1. Persistence breaks down Resistance :)

2. Have you ever been at a stop sign so long...waiting for it to turn Green?

3. My boss has Alltimers Disease because he swears I'm always late and that I leave too early...

4. I was wondering if you can cry tears under water?

5. Another irate tenant came in my job yesterday and threaten to slash my boss' tires... today he is driving a rent-a-car... I ask no questions!!!!

6. Blessed are the FLEXIBLE, for they shall not be BENT out of SHAPE!!!

7. My friend a non-Greek was on Temple's Campus and she ran into one of the akas... saw her key chain and was like "O are you a AKA from Temple" and the jawn replied "No... I am one of the skaters" (TRASH) ... My friend not knowing any better says... "O do you skate alot... and how fast can you go"... lmao

8. I wonder how long it will take me to stop writing to 2007?

9. My boss's wife came in today with this sweater that had all of these loose strands hanging from it... as she proceeds to cut them off, my boss gets the great idea to just start pulling them off... Her sweater started unraveling like it was made out of paper... meanwhile he is still pulling... and she now has on a belly shirt :(

10. So Got myself an Nintendo Wii... and I am official a wii junky... Played it for 12 hours straight on my day off (I need a social life)... Bet you can't sii mii in the :) ESL just added wii to h.e.r. list of languages.

11. Money, Power, Respect is the Key to Life... Where does Love and Happiness fit in?

12. Press Play: "So every time you hold me, Hold me like this is the last time, Every time you Kiss me, Kiss me like you'll never see me again"... Things that make you go Hmmmm :)

13. Actions speak volumes and words just fill up the page... Talk is cheap and I can't afford it... ;)

"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two."