Wednesday, June 25, 2008



1. I don't understand by the way you look at me why we can't be together... Are you even looking at me or pass me???

2. My Boss' breath smells like poop on a stick... :(

3. I realized that they make short/ small cars so that I have no where to park when Im on the road (how can I fit in that space they just got out of?)... Why can Stephanie park her car in any crack on the street...?

4. Have you ever been stuck in traffic because of an accident and when you go to pass the accident on the highway you realize the accident happened on the other side of the road...GRRR to Gaper delays!!!

5. My Boss told me the other day that he just wants to feel needed around the office so humor him when he tries to help me... I said "But I dont need you, you only mess things up..." I think his feelings were hurt... Was I too Harsh?

6. Went to a Gospel Concert this past weekend and the concert director said that these young children are out here cranking that superman and spider man... they need to "CRANK that JESUS"... dont know how I feel about that...

7. Lost my voice from sing country music the whole way home from VA, so Monday morning my Boss knowing that I have no voice told me to just answer the phones, dont do anything else :( my voice was gone... my hands weren't broke. Got my voice back when he asked me to stay 2 hours later... NO SIRRRRR!!!

8.Why when the Lord says NO... do you ask the Devil to get the YES you have been waiting for?

9. Stopped at a rest stop on my way to VA and had to us the bathroom... didnt realize there was no toilet paper in my stall... had to wait 10 mins for the next hick to come in the bathroom and they acted like they didnt want to even pass the paper... the worst part was I didnt realize that I was in the men's room until I came out of the stall... DONT ACT LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER DONE IT...

10. Why do I continue to pray after I say AMEN???

11. I think real L.O.V.E. can walk through fire without blinking...

12. Sometimes I feel like my life is a TV show and everyone is watching... stay tune- a main character will be leaving the show in a future episode.

13. There are so many things I'm not sure of in life, but with all certainty at this very minute, all I know is that I miss a.p.p.l.e.s...

"If you are dumb enough to walk away, then I will be smart enough to let you go"

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