Wednesday, March 19, 2008



1. Everything I'm not, Made me Everything I am...
2. So I am walking on Broad Street on Tuesday and this man is walking up to students asking them for money... Well this girl gets the idea to walk up to him and asks if he has any changed to spare... (I am dumbfounded at this point)... Do you know that this man gives this girl 50 cent and tells her to use it wisely... what makes the whole situation sad is she kept the money... WE HAVE TO DO BETTER...
3. I have last than 2 months to take the G.R.E. again... :(
4. So my boss drops his sandwich on the floor yesterday... he thinks I didn't see it... and this jerk has the nerve to ask me if I wanted it... What makes it even WORST is that he continues to eat the sandwich... (I don't know if I should be mad he was gonna give a sandwich that fell on the floor or if I should be disgusted that he ate off the ground...?)
5. A apple a day... takes your sorrows away... :)
6. Someone stole my mother's car yesterday outside her job... and returned it this morning with a full tank of gas...lmao... it works for me...
7. In reflecting on craziness...A police officer pulled me over... so my heart is beating a mile per minute, the officer (young African American woman) comes to my window... So of course I'm trying to think- what did I do and what tickets do I already have... She says to me... "Are you a Delta... I am interested in your organ-iz-ation, and I just wanted to know when are yall pledging again?"... She was CRAZY... WE DON'T DO CRAZY (weird... but not crazy)!!!
8. I am really happy that my best-friend is no longer selling knives door to door... (lol)
9. At best buy last night some guy gives me a long lecture about how I should purchase the 50 cent album, and how Curtis is so much better than the Graduation... blah..blah...blah... so I asked him did he buy the album yet and he said "Nah, I burned it"... I am surrounded by foolishness!!!! 10. "I'm scared to fall in love, I'm scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love... it never seems to last!"...ANONYMOUS
11. Someone calls my phone yesterday and I am busin it up with them on the phone for like ten minutes... it wasn't until the 9th minute that I realized I didn't know who I was talking too... turned out to be a wrong number (Stacey was very nice though... I might call her later)... I think I was just happy my phone rang... ;)
12. Have you ever listen to a story that someone was telling you and you realized that story originated with you and the person changed the story around to put themselves in the story... how dare you use my
13. Whats up with you and H.I.M?.... I don't know... please stop asking me

"...When the road you're trudging seems all up hill..."


Random Thoughts/ Questions of the Week

1. In reflecting on this week... I realized that I had to turn away from the sun to finally see the light...!!!!
2. I went to the beach with my family on Monday... and I called myself showing the young bucks how to do a real hand stand... little did I know that my top was not fully secured... I spent 5 mins. trying to get my top back on and another 15 mins getting a lecture from the life guard about how this was not a nudest beach and how parents (mothers) were upset at me!!!!
3. My sister is not going back to school this semester and my brother has started smoking cigarettes... this stresses me out....
4. Sooner or later? (Life passes most people by while they're busy making plans for it)
5 ... NOW!!!
6. So my boss is going bald and refuses to admit it... Every other Tues. he goes to the barber shop and gets his hair trimmed and dyed jet black... well his barber is on vacation so he lets his wife dye his hair on Thursday... Now he is walking around with black dye running down the side of his face... And I don't have my camera on me :(
7. (Aging Denial) It must run in the Family because his wife is telling me how she had to go to the Hospital on Wednesday because she tried to glue fake eye lashes on and glued her eye shut (what was she using Gorilla Glue?)...
8. I have a 17 year old doug that is forced (by my aunt) to wear a children's diaper because she can not control herself... its really sad and hilarious at the same time... You should see my aunt change her diaper!!!!
9. I miss Bmore...
10. It was not the A.P.P.L.E. on the tree... but the pair in the garden...
11. After my accident (near death experience) I have realized that I am not afraid of dying... I just don't want too...
12. I showed a house on Friday and the gentleman was cross-eyed/ and didn't speak good English... And he had the nerve to keep pointing at the different things that he wanted to be fixed... I was all confused/ and he was frustrated... Finally he tells me... "look where I say... not where I point"... why was he pointing then?



2. Hey, The Temple U. Physical Therapy Department is giving me an award for the organization I started in 2003? Better late than never!!!
3. Am I the A.P.P.L.E. of h.i.s. eye...?
4. So I was working out with Billy Blanks yesterday... and why did I feel like I was doing the soulja boy?
5. Did I really go all summer without making it too the beach/ amusement park... that's crazy? WE HAVE TO DO BETTER!!!
6. "THE HAIR" is cute.. growing on me... but sleeping on my face is uncomfortable (lol)... I give it one more day and I am back to rolling around and grewling (lol)!!!
7. Remind me again why bell bottoms went out of style? And should I tell my client that they are not flare leg pants?
8. Why in your time of need does it seem like only the Lord answers your call... Do I have the wrong people on speed dial? Call on HIM first... yeah I know!!!
9. If i don't get my car cleaned owt soon... even I am going to want to take public transportation!!!
10. SO... I lost my debit card the day I got my hair done and didn't know the police called me last night to tell me that a "crackhead" tried to go into a Wine & Spirits and purchase alcohol...the crackhead didn't have my pin so he asked to use credit... the cashier took my Bank of America card and could clearly see that it had my face on it (lol) !!!
11. SO... WHY did the cashier give my card back to the "crackhead" and just told him that he couldn't use it there... then the "crackhead" tries to buy "crack" three blocks away, from a undercover cop using my credit card in exchange... WE HAVE TO DO BETTER!!!
12. SMILE... someone is thinking about you!!!
13. So my mother and sister have been calling me all week complaining about each other too me... so I told both of them yesterday that I didn't want to hear it anymore... they both on two separate calls hung up on me... NOW THEY ARE ON GOOD TERMS... AND NEITHER ONE IS TALKING TO ME :) (family... lol)
14. Why did I just finish a report that included 6 properties that took me 2 weeks (really only 3 days... but that's how long my boss thinks it takes to finish a appraisal) and when I went to have him sign-off on it.. he realizes he gave me the wrong addresses... He doesn't respect me... either!!!
15. I think experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, and the lesson afterwards!!!

Rest if you must, but don't you Q.U.I.T.!!!


1. Why am I so hungry... did I forget to eat last night?
2. Why is my computer monitor still upside down?
3. Will I ever see 300?
4. Why does my boss have on sandals? ... why does his feet look like that?
5. Why is it only 11:35, Im ready to go home?
6. Why Do they clean the needle when they give someone a lethal injection?
7. Is her name really EVE?
8. If I focus really hard can I freeze my boss?
9. Why does the drive to always take longer than the drive from?
10. Why did I just answer the phone at my job and told the person that she had the wrong number... and she asked me " Can you take a message then"... she was crazy!